Chapter Three

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Airports have become something I'm no longer scared of, more so a regular thing that I -while of course don't look forward to- have learned to be okay with. Being on the plane, gives me the opportunity to meet new people. Like Grim, how lucky was I to have met someone who I'll probably spend a lot of my time with. Going to practices for the band we'll probably start.

"Now boarding flight C186" The announcement is made for our plane

"Ready?" Andy asks, picking up his small carryon bag

"Yup" I nod, I had packed my bad only a few hours before we drove to the airport, because I'm stupid, and procrastinated

I walk over to the boarding section, sluggishly and zombi like. Another poor choice I made last night was pulling an all nighter. So now I'm also nauseous  and I can't sleep on planes, let alone car rides.

Soon we're sitting down, and at least our seats are comfy.

"We should get food" I tell Andy

"Or we can wait till we get off because airplane food is gross"

"Or we can get food on here because I'm hungry as fuck, and get food when we get off, and make food at your house"

"I like the way you think" he tells me and I smile. But we can't get food for a while anyway because the dumb ass stewardess do there safety shit. But when they're done, we eat get a drink, some skittles, and candy, shit like that, and honestly spend a fuck ton cause my fat ass is so bored and eating is the only thing to entertain me so. "Aren't you full?"

"Shut up" I tell him and he laughs a bit "Stop fat shaming you bully"

"I'm not!" He says, and I snatch his skittles

"To make up for your behavior" I open them and pour some into my mouth then he looks at me sad

"Well you just stole from me so to make up for your behavior" he snatches my skittles and I scream bloody murder and everyone looks at me terrified that the planes crashing or something and that's why I screamed. No, I scream because that fucker took my food. "Chill chill"

When we get off the plane, we go and get Starbucks, big ass ventays, and breakfast sandwiches. Then when we go outside I see that familiar van. I ditch Andy, running with both my suitcases to the van, and Cc comes out, opening the door before I get there, and as I arrive pulling me in on top of him and all the guys. I lay on them, crushing them and snuggling, while Andy stays outside carrying my other bag and his duffle.

"You weren't nearly this excited to see me" he points out

"I was moody that day" I tell him, then sit up, getting off all the guys as they groan in pain and greet me like dogs who haven't seen there owner in weeks

I hug Andy, standing on the edge of the car, his height, until he leans back and my feet slip. He holds me up, so I wrap my legs around him, then he lets go of me and I hold on for dear life, skidding down his body, letting out a squeal. Then we throw my suitcases in the back, and squeeze into the SUV, Black with leather interior.

"So what have you guys been up to?" I ask, and my question was just one in many of the loud conversations happening within the car.

"Nothing much" Cc smiles "Been drumming"

"We live been playing a lot of guitar" I smile

"Oh yeah, learn any new songs?" Jinx asks me, He was just taking to Jake, or still is, but paused for a second to ask me, then continued listening to jakes banter

"I learned an of mice and men one, Iron Maiden, and Never shout Never"

"Sick" Jake pauses as well, then keeps talking

"I haven't slept" I whine, laying on Cc

"Why not?"

"I didn't wanna have to wake up this morning" I tell him and he nods

"We ordered a pizza" Ashly tells me "Well, like seven because we're fat fucks, but it should be there soon after we get to Andy's"

"So is my house just the go to now?" Andy huffs and everyone laughs

"It's been the go to dog" Jake chuckles, then as the conversations continue, I have a thought

Hey, I'm in LA again if you wanna chill. I brought my battery, some carts, a novo, and juice

I smirk putting my phone away. I hadn't talked to him in a long time, and I felt stupid for texting him, since I'm with Cole, but I've come to realize he isn't loyal to me, I don't think anyway, he must be with other girls when I'm away

Hey I was just thinking about you :)

I wish we talked more tbh

Mike: ya fosho, whenever your free lmk

Ight cool :))

I slip my phone in my pocket, then lay against Cc, who puts his arms around me.


"Don't wake her up dumbass!" A voice screeches and I keep my eyes closed, then I hear a door slam

"Your so loud!"

I open my eyes to be hit with blinding sunlight. I squeeze into the person holding me more, then the others say, "Great, now look what you've done, she's awake"

"It's fine" I groan, then once we make it in, I get thrown down violently on the couch "ow!"

I look up to see Ashly snickering and I roll my eyes, Turing over, but waking up five minutes later because there's pizza. Honestly it smells fucking great. We get pizza from the same place every time we're here and it's the best. They don't have it near where I live which is a bummer, but it makes it twice as special when I have it.

"Are we doing anything tomorrow?" I ask Andy

"No I was planning on letting you have a day to relax" he smiles

"Okay cool, because I wanted to hangout with some people" I tell him

"Who?" He furrows his eyebrows and everyone's attention is now drawn to me

"I was thinking about asking Danielle if she wanted to get her nails done, and then maybe hitting up some other people that I know who moved out here"

"Oh" he nods "you can use my car if you need" Andy smiles

"Thanks" I nod, chomping away at my pizza. I had three pieces, and everything else I had eaten previously. I feel good though, "imma go take a shower" I say, grabbing my bags and dragging them to the guest room

"Alright" they all conclude

I'm comfortable in Andy's house now, I know where everything is, and I've stayed here a good amount. I set my bags down, then walk over to the big shelf, pulling down the Murphy bed, then putting a suitcase on it. I huff when I realize it's the one with shoes in it, then put it back down and get the right one. I pull out an outfit, a black halter crop top with black high waisted float shorts and underwear. I go into the bathroom and straight the water.

Once it's hot I hop in, letting my muscles relax. I wash my hair and body before slipping into my towel and drying off. I classically put my hair into pig tail French braids, then put on my outfit. I've lost weight. I don't know how or why, but my thighs aren't as thick, and are so close the being gapped, but still have there shape. Then my stomach, already being small, is pretty much completely flat now.

I walk out into the living room and everyone is watching a movie. I smile, walking over to them and falling on all of them, resulting in groans. Eh I'm a good one forty, but they can deal with it.

Eventually my body's shifted so much that I'm next to Jake. I snatch another piece of pizza, and then fully submerged into the movie.

I missed my family

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