Chapter Seventeen

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It's the last day we're here in Montana, today me and Ben are finally hitting the skate park! He's landed three Ollie's and can ride pretty good, so I think he's ready. I go to the six foot mini ramp and drop in, then rock to faking on the four foot side. I axle stall back up on the six, then five back in to shuv axle stall on the other side. Then I tick tick back, not going back in, and Ben looks at me like 'how the hell did you do that'.

"I'm going to teach you some mini ramp tricks" I smiled at him

He shakes his head and let's out a little chuckle, "I think I'll pass"

"Come on!" I whine "Let me at least teach you how to pump"

"What's that?" He asks, so I pick up my board, and jump into the middle, caveman-ing "I can't do that"

"That's not the trick" I laugh "I was just getting down here" I stay on my board then push once into the the ramp, bending my knees a little as I go up, then when I get halfway, I lock out my knees and then as I start gliding, I bend them again. When I get the middle I straighten my legs out, then get on the ramp, bend until eventually I get as high as I want and I straighten my legs. I continue to pump back and forth between the ramps, then eventually stop and instruct Ben. I hold onto him as he gets up on his board then I push him into the ramp and he bend his knees when I tell him to and stops when I tell him. After about twenty minutes I let go of him and he figures it out himself. I leave him at the ramp, then I go to the bowl, I've never dropped in on a bowl before and I'm really fucking scared.

Ring ring ring

I look down at my phone, and see Cole's trying to FaceTime me, so I turn on my data, then answer.

"Hey baby" he smiles "Wasn't sure if you'd answer"

"I mean I'm kinda busy, but talking to you is worth it" I tell him

"Oh! If your busy I'll leave you alone" he says

"No!" I plead and he laughs "I'm just at a skatepark"

"I thought you were on tour" He furrows his eyebrows and I laugh

"I am!" I squeak "We just have off days right now, so I called Aaron to see what parks and spots were good in Montana while I'm still here and he gave me some good ones"

"Who's Aaron?"

"Aaron Kyro" I shrug

"You mean from Braille?!"

"Yeah" I sing "I met him like a few weeks ago"

"I know I saw the pictures but I didn't know you guys were like... friends?!"

"Yeah I mean I guess"

"Well you have his number" his eyes go wide "Can I have it?"

"I can't just pass it around" I laugh "Plus what would you do with it"

"Ask him to sponsor me" he jokes

"Technically you'd ask revive not Aaron" I tell him, looking at his face as he rolls his eyes smiling

"Amanda!" Ben says so I look behind me, then he sits down at the edge of the bowl and looks "Who's this?"

"My boyfriend Cole" Ben kind of looks at me questioningly and I widen my eyes at him so he cuts it out

"I'm Ben, guitarist for Asking Alexandria, and soon to be professional skateboarder"

"Oh yeah definitely, he can Ollie, he's better then me now"

"I defiantly am" He Jokes "What are you doing over here though love? This shits a bloody death sentence"

"What is?" Cole asks and I flip the camera to show him the bowl "Your going to skate the bowl?!"

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