Chapter Eighteen

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Still Andy's POV

"I apologize you have to come here under these-" she hugs me, squeezing the life out of me

"Honestly I'm fine with coming her because I get to see you" she looks at me in awe

Ashlyn -Amanda's sister- looks much like her. They both have thick curly hair, but while Amanda's is a thousand different shades of blonde and brown, Ashlyn's is a constant of a sepia, coffee mix. They have the same little bridge-less button nose, and little scattered freckles with blotchy pink smeared upon there cheeks. There both really tan and curvy with emerald eyes, but her sister is much heavier then she is, but there both shaped. Everyone in Amanda's family is over weight, which makes me wonder why Amanda isn't. She's honestly a little under, or close to being.

"Thank you" I nod "Let's go to the car, huh?"

"Okay" she nods, following me to the bus,m. Jake, Jinx and Ashly are all in the back, I decided to leave the hospital early to go get them, as they were worried too

"Holy shit" she covers her face "I didn't know they'd be here"

"Asking Alexandria is at the hospital too" I say, sitting besides Ashly, "I'm not driving"

"Not it!" Ashly says

"Not it!"

"Not- fuckers" Jinx gets up and goes to the driver area

"I can't believe this is real" Ashlyn covers her mouth, she looks like she's about to cry, and Ashly kind of rolls his eyes, what a dick

"Yeah yeah I know I'm amazing" he jokes

"M" Jake hums

"Can we take a picture?" She asks

"Sure" Ashly wraps his arm around her as she takes a picture "How old are you?"

"Twenty" Ashlyn answers

"Oh nice" he smirks

"Keep it in your pants purdy" I roll my eyes and Ashlyn giggles

When we arrive to the hospital, Ashlyn doesn't even seem to care. We go into her hospital room, all of us, Black Veil and Asking, even though we're not supposed to be, are in here.

"Hey" Jake goes over to her and hugs her nightly

"Wassup" she hums laughing

"Damn you look beat up" Ashlyn says

"Ashlyn" Amanda smiles "I can't believe your here!"

"Yeah" she nods looking around at everyone and not really paying attention, just consumed in all the guys

"So when will you be released?" I ask

"Well it's only a strain so they said I can leave tonight, but they said not to do any thing to money for three six weeks because I strained it" she says and I sigh "I can still preform though, I'll just sit down on a chair"

"Are you sure?" I ask concerned and she nods

"Hey- why are there so many people in here?!" The nurse pleads "Everyone out!"

"Can I keep a few people?" Amanda pleads

"Yes" she huffs "choose four, but you can't keep thirty people in here"

"Ben, Andy, Ashlyn, and Cc" she says quickly and the

The chosen people smile proudly that they got chosen, and the others, bow there heads as they walk out sadly.

"So Amanda has strained her rib, which means there's no crack or chip or anything but the muscles around the rib are torn" she nods "I'm prescribing three weeks worth of pain meds, but besides that, just apply pressure so the wound, ice then heat, twice a day, any questions?"

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