Chapter Ten

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I'm sitting on the vanity in the bathroom, gluing on my fake eyelashes. I have a bronze eyeshadow on with red lipstick on, my hairs down and curly. When I finish, I put on an olive green halter top, with a pair of shredded white jeans and white high top converse, then I'm ready for the day.

"You ready?" Andy asks and I smile in response, today's our free day and our last day in Texas. Yesterday we had our show in El Paso, now we're going to shops and malls to look around.

"Yup" I nod, grabbing my wallet and phone

The bus pulls up in front of the mall, and we go to the front where we meet the body guard, Andy hired one for today, because there all famous and don't want to get jumped. Cc smiles at the body guard then bro hugs him, they must have hired him before.

"Andrew this is Amanda" he tells him, then Andrew puts his hands out, so I shake it. And even though he's a big strong man, his shake is soft, and gentle.

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" I smile, then we go into the mall. First off we walk around, and find ourselves at the pretzel shop getting food and a slurpie. "Hey Cc?"

"Hm" he sings eating

"Remember last time we went to the mall you pretended to be my dad and bought me a-"

"Nose ring yeah?" He finishes

"We should make that like a thing that every time we go to the mall we pretend your my dad and I get a piercing" I smirk and he laughs a bit taking another bite

"What'd you wanna get?"


"Okay just sign right here" the woman tells CC

"Thanks dad" I hug Cc and he starts laughing

"Your doing the dishes when we get home to make up for it" he says

"But I'm paying" I whine

"I don't gotta sign this shit do I? hoe" I try not to laugh, but the piercing lady looks concerned

"If you make me do dishes I'll call CPS" I say and he looks back and says

"I should've aborted you"

I start laughing my ass off and he's smiling hella hard, then looses character and starts laughing too

"Okay so your gonna wanna sit down" she says, ignoring our banter. I get up on the chair, and lay back. She starts feeling around my stomach for nerves then finds the right spot. "Are you ready?"

I don't even get a chance to answer and she pushes the needle through, "yup" I choke out "ow" I look down and there's a little bit of blood, then she wipes it and cleans it, and pushes through the jewelry.

"Only hoes get there belly buttons pierced" Cc shakes his head

"Dad your the one who let me do it" I say and he shakes his head

After we're done, we all meet back up and go into a skate shop, where I get a few decks. We end up splitting up again but I always have at least one of the guys with me. When I leave the mall, I have multiple new shower gels, bath bombs, some hair ribbons, a few shirts, six skate decks, and shoes.

Then we go into a Bucky's store, which is pretty much a store the size of a Costco, with snacks, and shirts, and little cool items. Almost like a huge Texas gift shop, but there all over Texas, while we're there we get some sugary almonds, and just look around. I get a shirt, and my mom a shirt. And over all we just have fun and get snacks until we eventually retire back to the bus.

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