Chapter 3

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Katie's POV 

I'm not going to lie when I say that waking up with the person you love is the most extraordinary feeling in the world. Then reality sets in and you remember that this is technically your co-worker and have a mini heart attack. 

How could I fall asleep at Melissa's house?!

She has her head in my lap still and I freeze, afraid to move beneath her. I gently extract myself from the couch and I smirk proudly for not waking her up. I leave her a note and all but run from her house to change and take a shower at my own. 

It's really sad when you come home and are disappointed with it. I like Melissa's house better. I know why of course, but I frown all the same. I head to my bedroom and strip to get in the shower. The nerves start to set in as I realize that I have to pack for the next Supergirl episode. We're apparently flying to Canada and filming there for about a month or so. I groan and slump down in my shower. It's going to be a long flight....


As we wait to board the plane I try to make it seem like I'm careless in this situation. Melissa is talking to Jeremy Jordan and I pull out my novel that I brought with me. Call me a jelly sandwich, but I just can't stand to see her with people laughing that adorable laugh of hers. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up to see Chyler. I smile and allow her to sit next to me. She glances at Melissa and then brings her attention to me. 

"So, how is it going? I saw that you and Melissa went home together" she smiles. 

"We watched some movies and we feel asleep on the couch. Nothing really eventful or interesting"I said dismissively. Chyler nudged my shoulder with hers and leaned her head on mine. 

"I'm sorry Katie. I wont press you, but I want to help you with this" she sighs. I raise an eyebrow at her and we both laugh. "Are you ready for our 3 hour flight?"

"I guess so. I brought my book and they said that there's snacks on the plane so I can't really complain" I shrug. 

"Alright everyone! We're loading up the plane, lets go!" we hear them call. Chyler raises her brows as if saying 'here we go' and stands up to leave. 

I go on autopilot and sit towards the front of the seats. With my luck, Melissa sits behind me. I don't pay attention to everyone else's seating positions as the hairs on the back of my neck begin to prick. 

"Hey Katie! Can you pass me that pack of trail mix?" Melissa asks sweetly. Her face is right next to mine and I feel the heat on my cheeks. I give her the trial mix wordlessly and murmur a 'your welcome' as a response. 

I continue to just read my book as the plane starts to get into position to take off. I noticed that the seat behind me has gone eerily quiet. I peek behind me and see Melissa staring out the window with a firm grip on the seats hand rest. I reach behind me instinctively and grab her hand. I have a gentle but firm hold while I go back to reading as if nothing is happening. I feel the hand move and she interlocks our fingers. My face is burning, but for this once I enjoy being Supergirl's hero. 

Once up in the sky Melissa goes to the bathroom and I retract my hand back to myself. When she comes back I don't look at her and act as though I'm engrossed in my novel. She begins talking to everyone else. I catch part of their conversation and something sparks an interest in me. 

"So if Chris proposed soon you'll say yes?" Chyler asks. She sounds like shes just curious, but I know what shes really up to.

"Well, I dont know yet. We have been dating for a while now" Melissa shrugs. I turn around in my seat.

"Melissa can decide whether shes ready or not when the time comes. For now she should enjoy the relationship she has" I speak up. I went into full on Lena mode and everyone stared with wide eyes. Why did I say that?

"Thanks Katie. You sounded like Lena there" Melissa beams. "Is there someone you have in mind that's special?"

I make the terrible mistake of looking into those sky blue eyes and my face is immediately up in flames. I mumble a no and continue with my reading. Melissa doesn't say anything more and continues with her conversation with everyone. Once we land in Canada, I look around at my surroundings. 

It was truly beautiful with the green trees, colorful flowers, and clean streets. We were ushered into cars and Chyler practically sprinted to be with me. Once in the safety of the car she began. 

"I saw that you got uncomfortable on the plane. Are you afraid of flying?" she questions. Seriously? That's what she thinks made me uncomfortable?

"No, it was all of the talk about Melissa getting married" I mumbled. I usually hate to act so jealous and vulnerable, but the Girl of Steel broke through my walls. I felt Chy put an arm around me.

"Aw, I'm sorry Katie. I didn't mean to do that to you. I thought you weren't listening" she smiles. 

"You know being an 'agent' you're not very good at this" I chuckle. 

I had to admit that she was a very good friend. We drove the rest of the way to the hotel in a comfortable silence. Once there we check into our rooms and start unpacking. I was putting away my clothes when I hear a knock. I go to answer it and find Mehcad at my door. 

"Hey, Katie. Thought you might want to join us in exploring?" he smiles. I smile back. 

"Sure, let me just go grab my jacket" Mehcad has a confused look on his face. 

"It's not that cold outside. I think you would be fine with a long-sleeved shirt" he says.

"You never know when you might need a jacket" I call from my room. 

We meet everyone else in the lobby and head out to explore the shops. Melissa is busy chatting away with Odette. I try to ignore her and look around at the shops. 

"Hey, Chy. Do you want to check out that shop over there?" I smile. 


We make our way to the shop and get little gifts here and there. Chyler gets things for her husband and kids while I just get little souvenirs for my siblings and parents. I find a teddy bear and hold it next to my face. 

"This thing is so cute!" I exclaim. Chyler squeals and takes a picture. 

We continue to shop and again meet up with everyone. Mehcad and Jeremy are messing around and I notice Melissa shiver. 

"How are you cold! It's not even below 60!" I hear Odette complain.

"Melissa's always cold" I chuckle. I start to take off the jacket that I brought with me before I feel a body engulf me. Melissa has her hands in my jacket and hugging my torso.

"Thanks, Katie" she smiles. I try not to shiver at her touch and instead hug her back. I could smell her shampoo and the feeling of her warm body against mine was driving me insane. 

"Aw, you're so cute!" Chyler gushes. I send her a secret glare and bury my face in Melissa's hair to hide my blush. I can feel her shift in my arms and is now facing away from me. She instead puts her arms around me backwards and I pull the jacket around her front. Luckily it's a big jacket so it literally fits two people. I put my chin her shoulder and she tilt her head a bit and giggles.

"Katie that tickles! And I swear Chy if you start calling us Supercorp I'll tackle you" she warns playfully. Unknowingly to me we start to sway and we all decide to get some coffee before going back to the hotel. 

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