Chapter 9

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Katie's POV

I havent spoken to Melissa since the wedding. I had just wanted to save our friendship, but it seemed nearly impossible now. The only time I would speak to her was on the set. Supergirl continued on, oblivious to the events that happened off screen. Yet despite all of this, I still couldnt keep my god damn eyes off of her. Each episode that we did together I would find myself biting my lip or looking at hers. Mon-el returned and we now had to endure the presence of asshole once more. I didnt see Melissa talk to him, but I've seen him try to start things up again. My old habits of not being able to see them together resurfaced and I would walk away. I spent more and more time with the rest of the female cast. Odette and Chyler were now my best of friends.

"Come on Katie. It's just one movie night! Please!" Chyler begged.

The girls had started planning girls nights, but were careful to plan some with me and some with Melissa. We never did them all together.

"Fine, but I swear if you dump popcorn on me again" I warn.

"That was an accident! Floriana pushed me into the couch!" she whined. Floriana smirked and turned to Odette.

"I swear they casted this show perfectly. You totally match your characters" Odette laughed.

"You're not going to go Worldkiller on us then are you?" Floriana joked. Odette playfully punched her shoulder and we made our way to Odettes house. Once there we settled in for our movie and chit chatted here and there.

"Are you and Melissa talking yet Katie?" Chyler asked. My chest constricted at the sound of her name and I shook my head.

"I swear this is retarded. I knew Chris was an asshole as soon as they casted him for Mon-el" Odette grumbled.

"Seriously though! Right away you could tell. I mean he always gave Chyler and I dirty looks just because we were a couple on the show" Floriana complained.

"I'm not complaining" Chyler winked. I saw Floriana blush and I giggled at everyones banter.

"Well, I'm thankful I have all of you on my side, and none of this is Melissa's fault. I just caused a rift and I cant build that friendship anymore" I sighed.

"But I saw you guys at Phil's wedding. I mean we can all tell who's acting and it didnt seem like you were acting. Were you?" Odette asked.

Everyone looked at my intently and I was at a loss for words. How do I explain to them that Melissa had wanted the man that they hated back, and I willingly wanted to help her do that?

"I wasnt, but Melissa was. She never felt that way about me and I just let it slip out" I say.

The girls seem to understand a bit more and instead change the subject back to the movie we're watching.

Melissa's POV

After Phil's wedding I hung out a lot with the girls. They were really good friends and I knew that they purposely didnt I invite Katie and I at the same time. I didnt blame them. They were just trying to be considerate of us, and I was grateful for that. I did miss Katie. It took some getting used to sleeping on my own again.

While we were filming Supergirl I could feel Katie watching me. It sent goosebumps across my skin, but i forced myself to stay focused on the set. It was just so hard when Lena would bite her lip as she spoke with Kara. She had a soft spot for Kara and everyone knew it.

I wanted to forgive Katie, but I still had doubts about the whole thing. What else did she know about Chris? Did she really have feelings for me or was it just to get revenge on the person she hated? The last thought sent anger through me and I cried. I cried because I didnt want it to be true. I didnt want Katie to pretend. I didnt want reality to get the best of me.

I sat there on my couch, alone, wondering about all of the different possibilities. I knew crystal clear that everyone on Supergirl hated Mon-el, on and off the screen. I would often try to reignite those feelings I once had for him, but i just couldnt anymore. I just couldnt see him the same way i once did. His perfect image in my mind was completely shattered.

As I put on my Supergirl costume I felt a sense of empowerment. I spotted Chris not far away and he caught my eye. I glared at him with the fire of a thousand suns and went to my position. I hated having to act in love with him on the show. This was trully the hardest acting job I've ever had, but I'm glad it seemed that I was doing a good job.

At the end of the scene Chris held me in his arms on the couch of my apartment. I couldn't get out of them fast enough.

"Melissa wait!" he called. I came to an abrupt stop. "Please, can you just hear me out?"

I spun on my heel and took a menacing step forward.

"I dont need to hear another excuse. There is no chance that I am making the mistake of trusting you again. Do you understand?" I growl.

Chris blinked a few times before slowly nodding his head. I needed to get away from him. I needed to calm down before we had to do the next scene. I need Katie. The next scene involved Lena Luthor, but she had been avoiding me like the plague. It really saddened me and I would question why I was mad at her.


It's been a few months now and the silence is driving me crazy. My feet hurt from walking on eggshells. I knew that I had to straighten things out, but how? I was the one that had claimed trust issues and wanted the space. How could I make it up to her?

I shook my head in frustration and toppled into something. I caught it and realized that I was staring into the emerald eyes of Lena Luthor. She looked like she wanted to something, but instead averted her eyes and murmured an apology. I reached out for her hand and didn't know what to say. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered. I saw an understanding in Katie's eyes and I knew she understood it wasn't just bumping into her. 

"There's nothing to apologize for" she whispered back. 

I watched as she walked away from me and the butterflies fluttered in my stomach knowing that I would be doing a scene with her soon. It was supposed to be Kara and Lena having a heart to heart and Kara attempts to comfort Lena. I walked to wardrobe to change into Kara's outfit and paced anxiously. 

When it was time for the scene my own emotions mirrored what Kara would be feeling. Sort of....

Katie and I sat on the couch stationed for us and she began to go through her lines. When the time came I pulled her into my arms and comforted her. It felt good to hug her again. She let some tears slip and I went off script and wiped them away. God I hate a sad Katie. 

She had a started look for a brief second before leaning further into me.

"I will always be here for you" I murmured into her hair. I felt her hold tighten and the crew called for the scene to end. Before I could say anything more Katie was fleeing, wiping away more tears. 

"You really did a number on her" Floriana said behind me. I jumped a little having not noticed her and took a deep breath. 

"What do you mean?"

"She loves you. Melissa, she didn't know about the proposal. I heard when Chris told her, and she was livid" she says. "She tried to protect you even when she knew you weren't hers."

Floriana's words stung, but only because I felt guilty. I had to find a way to get Katie to hear me out. I wasnt sure if I liked her the same way she liked me, but I could at least save our friendship.

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