Chapter 30

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Katie's POV

I stared down at the two little lines looking back at me. We had finally done it. I didnt realize that a scream of happiness came out of me until Melissa barged into the bathroom with a panicked look on her face.

"What!? What happened? Do I need to punch someone? Do I need to give you a hug? Do I need to get ice cream? Are you ok? I'm here honey" she babbled.

I handed her the stick and she looked at me confused. Understanding dawned on her and I stood up with my hands over my mouth.

"We did it?" she whispered.

I nodded my head with tears streaming down my face. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my neck. I laughed and threw my arms around her neck.

"I cant believe this! We're going to be moms again!" Melissa gushed.

"Its going to be one heck of a ride. This pregnancy will be new for me" I smile.

She placed her forehead on mine for a brief second before kissing the tip of my nose.

"I can give you the special rubs this time" she whispers.

"That sounds lovely darling. How are we going to tell Bethany?" I furrow my brow.

"Why not just tell her today? When she gets home from school we'll have her think we're mad she didnt clean her room. When she opens the door to her room we could have something that says 'big sister' on it. What do you think?"

"Let's start planning."


"Moms! I'm home, and I brought Anna with me" i could hear Bethany call.

"We're in the kitchen Beth!" I respond.

We see her enter the kitchen with the nice Anna following her.

"Oh, I thought you meant the girlfriend Anna" Melissa says.

"No, Anna had to go do something with her parents so Anna said she would hang out with me" Bethany shrugged.

"Well, you cant hang out until you clean your room young lady. I was very disappointed to see it so dirty" I scolded. I tried everything I could to make sure that I didnt laugh or give the surprise away.

"But I just cleaned it yesterday!" She says confused.

"It was dirty the last we checked. Go on now" Melissa said.

We followed them to Bethanys room where she opened the door. A banner that said 'welcome home big sister!' hung at the center of her room and she stopped dead in her tracks.

"No way" Bethany and Anna said in unison.

"Am I really going to be a big sister?" Bethany says excitedly.

I nod with a big grin on my face and she pulls Melissa and I into a hug.

"This is so great! Which one of you is carrying? Will you be ok? Do I need to help with anything? When will they be here? Do you have a specific name and gender in mind?" She rambled.

"I swear you are so much like your mother, but I'm the one who's going to swell up like a balloon. We just found out today so the rest of your questions are going to have to wait" I smiled.

"Congratulations!" Anna beamed. I smiled at her and we got into a group hug.

"You know kiddo this means you're going to have to help me with moms mood swings and cravings right?" Melissa teases.

"Its going to be a long 9 months" Bethany groans.

"I'll be happy to help around too Mrs. McGrath-Benoist" Anna says quietly.

"Thank you Anna. That would be very helpful" I beam.

She smiled back at me shyly and I saw Bethany glance at her. I heard a knock down stairs and Bethany ran to answer it.

"No running while you're pregnant!" she called behind her. We laughed and Anna spoke up.

"Bethany has been talking nonstop about having a sibling. What's it going to be like for Supergirl now?" she asks.

"Theyll probably have to write it in somehow now. Or at least when I start showing, and I wont be able to do the stunts I usually do now" I respond.

"I wont get to catch Lena?" Melissa pouts.

Anna laughs but soon Melissa and I both look at her. She seems to know exactly what we're thinking and her cheeks flush red.

"We know all about how you feel about our daughter" I raise an eyebrow.

The poor girls brown eyes go wide with terror and she bites her lip.

"And we approve" Melissa smiles.

"Wh-what?" She stammers.

"You have been nothing but a sweetheart and unless you are aspiring to be an actress it seems that this is your true personality. Bethany is a bit occupied right now with the other Anna, but would you do us a favor?" I say quietly.

"Anything ma'am" she responds.

"First you can call us by our first names. You've earned it, and second, take care of Bethany. We're worried about her and we know that you see her a little more than we do" Melissa explains.

She nodded her head vigorously and we heard the other Anna at the door. We walk back to meet with them and Girlfriend Anna had her usual bored expression. The hair on the back of my neck pricked, but I held my tongue.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had to do something with your parents?" Bethany asked.

"They cancelled so I came over here" Anna shrugged with an eyeroll.

"Ok. We were actually dealing with something big so I dont know if we can hang out" Bethany looks to us.

"The other Anna is here. Why cant I?" The girlfriend growls.

"Because she called ahead of time and asked us to come over. We were actually just leaving" I eye Bethany to handle her girlfriend before walking back to grab my purse.

I could hear Bethany apologize to her girlfriend and an angry voice replied. When I returned with my purse Anna held Bethany in a tight embrace and Melissa gave me a sad glance.

"Honey, are you ok?" I ask silently. I lightly rub Bethanys back and she nods her head against Anna's shoulder.

"Let's just go. We can deal with this later" she says quietly.

Melissa and I share a worried glance with Anna and make our way out of the house.

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