Chapter 20

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Katie's POV

I was brushing my teeth when I felt arms around my waist. I spit into the sink and smiled at the woman behind me in the mirror. She smiled back and closed her eyes.

"Let's get you to bed sleepyhead" I cooed. We went over to our bed and laid down. As usual Melissa pulled me close and I gave her the special rubs. She tilted her head down and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Katie McGrath" she whispered.

"I love you too Melissa Benoist" I smiled.

"Katie! Can I use the pillows from the extra bed?" Chyler bursts in.

Why dont we have a lock?

"Go ahead Chy. We dont need them" Melissa gestured. Chyler takes the pillows and pauses.

"You're together, arent you?" She says almost accusingly.

"Yes Chyler. Melissa and I are together and unless you want to see me make out with your sister I suggest you return to your own lover" I smirk. Chyler's jaw goes slack and she jumps on the bed.

"I knew it! I'm so happy for you! Finally! Floriana! You owe me a back massage!" she goes yelling through the house. I place my hands over my face and groan.

"Must she be so nosy?" I whine. Melissa places a soft kiss to my neck then up to just behind my ear.

"Shes just excited. She was giving me a really hard time for not making a move on you earlier" she smiles. I turn to her and flip myself over so that I'm laying on top of her.

"I've always wanted to do this, but I thought it wouldn't be appropriate before" I murmured. Melissa ran her fingers through my hair and I sighed.

Lena had been MIA on Supergirl lately and it gave me more time to just enjoy watching Melissa in action. Tomorrow was actually the first day in a while that there would be a scene with the Luthor present. I was looking forward to it, but the producers were making last minute changes and I wasnt able to see the script yet. I could only hope that it wouldn't be an extensive scene...


This cant be happening. Theres no way I will be able to do this scene. What were they thinking?

I read the script over and over again.

KARA: How did you know? Did someone tell you?

*Leans in to Kara*

LENA: I always knew it was you Kara.

Lena kisses Kara. End Scene.

My hands were firmly gripping the papers in them and I stared. My tight black dress felt suffocating. Was I ready for this to happen? Probably not. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched.

"You dont have to do it" Melissa said softly. She sounded depressed and almost hurt that I wouldn't want to do the scene. I put my hand on her cheek and gave her a small smile.

"I do want to do it. I'm just a little nervous. You would be the first gay superhero. Are you ok with that?" I asked nervously. Melissa nodded her head without hesitation. She put her hand over mine and leaned into it, kissing my palm.

"No matter what happens, they wont change the way I feel about you Katie. I've tried so hard to prove my love, I'm not about to give up now" she smiles.

"And here I thought I would have to make you fall for me" I laugh.

Melissa pulled me in for a hug and nuzzles my temple. We were then called to our positions and I sat down ant Lena's desk.

Action was called and I mindlessly scribbled down on some of the papers that sat at my desk. Supergirl walked into my office slowly. I looked up with a smile and then noticed the uncertain expression on her face. She sat down on the white couch in my office and I stood up. When I was in front of her my whole body was shaking.

"Is there something the matter Supergirl? May I be of some assitance?" I asked. I was surprised at the steadiness of my voice.

"I'm just so confused. How did you know? Did someone tell you?" Supergirl asked in a shaky voice. She stood up, but didnt look at me. My heart was in my throat, but I pushed it down so that I could speak.

"I always knew it was you Kara" I whispered. My lips were inches from hers and I laid a hand on her cheek. I leaned in and connected with which my body lit aflame and Melissa instantly grabbed my hips. I was so lost in our kiss that I had forgotten about the dozen of people that were watching us.

"Perfect! We'll cut it there for the next scene. Good work ladies!"

Melissa pressed her forehead to mine and we stood there for a second.

"Does this mean I can fly in when I want to?" Melissa smiled.

"I suppose so Ms. Danvers. I'll have to tell Jess though" I giggle.

Melissa's POV

I was nervous to say the least. Being the first gay superhero wouldn't be easy. I knew that there would be the group of people that wouldn't approve, but I didnt need their approval. I just needed Katie's. They were going to air the new episode and I was curious as to what the fans reactions would be. I could tell that Katie was scared too.

We were in the living room when Chyler and Floriana burst in through the front door.

"That's not going to happen" Chyler was arguing.

"Fine then I wont press" Floriana shrugged.

"So your just going to give up?"

I look at Katie and she shrugged at me before turning back to the sexual tension.

"I'm not giving up. I'm giving space" Floriana huffs.

They seemed completely oblivious to our presence and I took advantage. I covered Katie with my body and whispered for her to pretend to be asleep. I buried my face in her neck which caused her to squeeze me and she nipped my ear. I moaned lowly, but clamped my mouth shut so Chyler and Floriana wouldnt be alerted. I peeked an eye on them and they were still arguing.

"Alex and Maggie mean nothing!" Chyler says exasperated. Floriana pauses to look at her and takes a step back.

"Well, Chyler and Floriana mean something to me" Her voice almost cracks and she turns around.

Chyler grabs her arm and pulls her in. She kisses her feverishly and puts her hands on both sides of Florianas face. Floriana wraps her arms around Chyler, plastering them together.

I raise my eyebrows at Katie and she couldnt keep in her laugh. Chyler and Floriana turn to us abruptly and both are blushing.

"How long have you two been there!?" Chyler cries.

"The whole time. You know, I better not get any rebuttal about me dating your sister if you are going to be dating my friend" Katie muses.

Chyler blushes and Floriana kisses her again.

"You weren't very subtle babe" she smiles. Chyler crosses her arms in a pout and I laugh.

I look up at Katie and notice the twinkling in her blue-green eyes. I'm mesmerized more than I have ever been before in that moment. In that moment it was just us. She was my sun. She was my Kryptonite. She was my Earth. She was my Krypton. She was my everything. She glanced my way and kissed my forehead. I couldnt think. Then the words that left my mouth brought me back to reality.

"Marry me."

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