Chapter 21

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Katie's POV

I was frozen to the spot. We both sat up and Melissa seemed just as surprised as I did. I looked at her intently, silently asking if she was serious.

"Please" she whispered. An indescribable joy filled my heart and I threw myself at her.

"Yes!" I cried. She gave my face butterfly kisses and I finally pulled her lips to mine. I looked into those pools of blue that I had come to be obsessed with and saw them shimmering with unshed tears.

"I dont exactly have a ring. Asking you like this was completely off script" she said sheepishly. I took her hands in mine and smiled.

"Darling I don't need a ring to show off that I love you. I just need you" I grin.

I was buzzing with excitement and we didnt know what to do. We weren't sure if we should go out to celebrate, stay and cuddle or make an announcement.

"I wonder what our fans will say about a Super and a Luthor?"


It's been a few months since Melissa and I were engaged and no one yet knew. We were sneaky. Chyler still thinks that we are simply dating and the rest if our friends didnt know that there was anything but a platonic relationship between us. Supergirl actually became very popular despite the LGBTQ superhero. We had our share of hateful remarks and protesting. I was excited for today's shoot because we were doing a Supercorp scene.

Melissa was supposed to be off fighting a monster while Lena was helping Winn at the DEO. I held a tablet in my arm while tapping away as if looking through documents. Kara 'flies' in and struts over to the main table where J'onn is waiting to go through the last alien attack.

"Good work Supergirl. Any idea what kind of alien they are?" J'onn asks. Supergirl crosses her arms and is very business like. I smile from the side lines and I know that the camera would have caught it. Melissa is just so cute when she acts tough for this role.

"I'm not sure. They do seem familiar some how, but I cant remember exactly where they might have come from" she responds.

I walk up on my que with my tablet in hand and heels clicking against the floor.

"I cant find anything within my database either. Winn would you mind scanning threw the system to see if we had someone like this before?" I say.

"You got it" Winn smiles.

I'm facing the large screens above when I felt Supergirl wrap her arms around me from behind and rest her chin on my shoulder.

"Are you alright love? You seemed like you were struggling a little with this last task?" I murmur.

The camera is now in front of us and Kara shakes her head.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to come back to see you and they kind of delayed that" she grinned. She kisses my jawline and I smile. I'm loving this new plot for Supergirl.

By the time the scene was done Melissa said she was cold in her outfit. Little did I know that she would get into my clothes.

"Nice Star Wars T-shirt Melissa. I didnt know you watched that?" Jeremy complimented.

"Oh. It's not mine, I stole it from Katie" she smiled mischievously. Melissa skipped away and I crossed my arms in mock annoyance.

Melissa's POV

Never would I have ever thought that I would be where I am after getting the part of Supergirl. I would never have thought that my soulmate would be Lena Luthor. I adjusted my glasses as I watched Katie give her speech as Lena and smiled. I decided to get Katie a ring. She had argued with me about not needing one, but the possessive side of me wanted to let everyone know that she was mine now.

"Hey, did you want to go get something to eat? I know how much you like potstickers thanks to Kara" Katie laughed. I smiled and kissed her temple.

"Actually Chyler and I had planned a kind of sister day. I'll be back for you tonight though" I winked.

"That's so cute! I hope you have fun then. I'll see you later tonight" she smiles. God if I didnt love this woman already. How are you going to find someone this supportive?


I dragged Chyler along with me to pick out a ring and she looked like a kid in a candy shop.

"Do you have an idea of what she likes? How about this one? Katie's not very flashy. OMG, you have to see this one!" Chyler was squealing.

I walked around the store slowly, carefully eyeing each ring. I wanted it to be perfect and that's when I saw it. It was a simple silver band, but I knew exactly what I wanted on it. I pointed it out the the woman behind the counter and she pulled it out for me to see.

"Its perfect" I grinned. "Can I have 'Supercorp' engraved on the inside?"

She looked at me with wide eyes and I held a finger up to my lips to signal to be quiet. The woman nodded her head vigorously and continued with my transaction.

"It will be ready to pick up in about a week Ms. Benoist" she smiled.

"Thank you, and please keep this private. I dont want her to know before I can put it on her finger" I say.

"Not a problem. I will keep this close to me and not a soul will know. Congratulations and I'm so excited to see my two favorite girl coming together!" she beams.

I leave the shop with Chyler in tow and she nudges my shoulder.

"So when are you going to ask her?" She questions.

"Oh, I already did. I'm just getting the rings" I says nonchalantly. Chy stops dead in her tracks with her mouth agape.

"YOU WHAT!?" She screeches.

"Hey! Dont tell everyone my secret! I've already asked. We just didnt want it to be that big of a deal" I shrug. She slaps my arm and puts her hands on her hips.

"You proposed and you didnt tell me? I'm your sister!"

"My screen sister, and you know how Katie is. I just wanted to keep her comfortable. Please, just keep quiet?" I beg. She looks at me skeptically before sighing in defeat.

"Fine, but I wont let you live this down" she points a finger at me.

"Wouldnt even have thought it."

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