chapter 4 - do you wanna hang out?

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“So, how was dinner at your moms last night?” once again, the Good Hair Crew found themselves at The Spoon. It would forever be their favorite place to hang out.

“Well, it was weird at first but it ended up being very nice”

“Weird why?” Having TJ at his house after all this time had been surprising. He hated how he didn’t know how to act around the guy anymore.

“TJ was there”

“Wait! What?” “Really?” both girls asked at the same time.

“Yeah. I found him in my room, didn’t really know what to say” He knew what he wanted to do though. But he couldn’t. First, because TJ was getting married; second, because he didn’t even know what the guy felt anymore; and third because he couldn’t let himself have those feelings again.

“What was he doing in your room?” Buffy asked with a suspicious look.

“I don’t know, probably just wondering around I guess. Doesn’t matter. At first, my mom and Todd started asking questions about the wedding, which was, you know, awkward but then it got better and it was actually really nice.”

“Do you think Jonah and Marty were invited to the wedding?” Cyrus knew this was something Buffy had been meaning to ask for a while. He honestly didn’t know but something was telling him they probably had been.

“Oh god! I hope not” The way Jonah and Andi broke up wasn’t pretty. Jonah became a professional musician and everyone was very proud of him, but with him on one side of the world and Andi on the other, it became difficult. So when Jonah told Andi they should break-up she was fine with it, she knew it was for the best. But when she tried texting him he wouldn’t answer. her or any of the GHC really, which was odd, it wasn’t like Jonah to do that, I guess fame really changes people.

As for Buffy and Marty, Cyrus will never understand what happened. If you were to ask him, he would tell you it was probably fear of commitment. They had been together until two years ago, they were the couple that lasted longer, so when people started pressuring them about getting married and to start thinking about kids, Marty was ready for it, Buffy was not. She was way to focused on her career and what that mattered to her. She would want to settle eventually, she just wasn’t ready yet and Marty couldn’t tell when she would be so he decided to end it. They haven’t talked ever since.

“I don’t know, but I can ask TJ”

“Oh, so you guys are BFF’S again?” Buffy asked with a smirk.

“Of course not, but he’s here and we’re talking again so I don’t know, we’re just people who know each other” who he still had feelings for.

They hear the ‘ding’ of the door announcing someone just got in. Cyrus looks up and there are TJ and Amber walking in.

“Well, here’s your chance to ask him” he wasn’t going to ask him right here and now and the girls knew it, they just wanted to mess with him.

Before he can say anything the Kippen siblings are already making their way to the table.

“Hey guys!” he had missed Amber. Every time she was back in Shadyside they would meet up. Throughout the years they had become good friends.

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