Chapter 1 - Wedding Invitations

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“TJ + Emma invite you to celebrate their wedding day.

Saturday, august 23rd 2028 at four in the evening in the church of Shadyside.

Dinner and dancing to follow“

Cyrus had been looking at that paper for about 10 minutes now. He couldn’t belive what his eyes were seeing. TJ was getting married? He hadn’t seen the guy in years and they barely talk anymore, he didn’t even know TJ had a girlfriend. Turns out he has a fioncé and they’re getting married in two months. Cyrus was also suprised that the wedding would be in Shadyside, from what he knows TJ is almost never here, he lives somewhere else with his soon to be wife.

The buzzing of his phone makes him drift his eyes from the invite he’s holding. It’s his best friend calling.

“Did you get it too? Can you belive this? The question is, why were we invited?” Buffy must be spending a lot of time with Andi lately because it seemed more like her talking than Buffy.

What was he supposed to say? He was just as confused as her.

“Cyrus, are you there?”

“Yeah, sorry Buffy. Yes, I got it to. Also, I don’t it that hard to belive, we’re 28 years old, it’s about time we start getting married, besides it’s TJ, I’m not suprised he’s the first one of us to get married. As to why we got invited, I have no idea, over the last ten years I probably saw him 2 or 3 times and exchanged texts once every 2 or 3 years, I don’t really get it”

It was very sudden the way their friendship changed, one minute they were inseperable, the other they barely spoke. It was a silent mutual decisionn. They thought it would be better that way.

“Hold up, Andi’s calling, I’m going to add her to our call” No matter how many years pass or if they don’t see each other everyday, the Good Hair Crew never grew apart and Cyrus was so thankful for that.

“OMG guys, is this some kind of prank? I knew the day our friends would get married would come but I still wasn’t ready for it. Also, I didn’t even knew TJ was dating someone, did you know about this Cy?” Andi, always the dramatic one.

“No, I did not know, which is why I find it weird that we were invited in the first place”

They talked some more about the wedding then about their careers. Andi was an Art Major, with her creativity it was obvious she would be. She had succeeded in life, she had a bunch of her work spread around the world in museums and stuff like that. Buffy became a professional Basketball player, she was that good. Everyone was very proud of her. Cyrus was an elementary school teacher. He loved working with kids and teaching so even though a lot of people would think he hated his job, he actually loved it a lot, but working with kids was hard, it could make him very tired sometimes. Summer break had just started so he had some time to relax.

After deciding to meet at The Spoon this weekend everyone hang up.

No matter how hard he tried, Cyrus couldn’t stop thinking about this wedding. One more promise TJ broke.

*13 Years ago (they were 15 years old)*

TJ and Cyrus were cuddling on TJ’s sofa watching ‘say yes to the dress’.

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