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I stare out at what used to be a beautiful planet. I stare as the ground shakes and fire spits out from the ground. I am in complete awe.

"Father-I mean General, how many more hours until Krypton explodes?" I ask in a nervous but serious tone.

"Only 5, Kal my son, but don't be afraid. Soldiers show no fear in the midst of adversity," General Zod responds.

I poise myself up in a confident manner.

"What is the evacuation plan?" I ask.

"There is no evacuation plan. It's already too late. We were fools for waiting so long. Soon the core will implode causing a chain reaction that will result in the planet's destruction. However, there is a way that might save our race. There is something that your biological father wanted me to give you."

Zod hands me a small, round disc-shaped object.

"What is this?"I ask, scratching my head.

"You'll know when to use it."

Suddenly a group of soldiers enter the room and grab General Zod. A look of confusion and horror enter my face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

"General Zod is under arrest for crimes against the Council of Krypton. He murdered 30 innocent Kandorians!"

"He is trying to save our planet! What is wrong with you?!"

I run towards the soldiers but Zod holds out his hand in a stopping position.

"At ease, Kal. I will face this with honor and dignity

I don't know what to do. I run back to my home where my robotic butler Kelex is.

"I cannot believe it's come to this," I think to myself.

Suddenly an idea hits me.

"Maybe they will listen," I consider.

I run towards a teleported and make my way into the Council's chamber. As I enter, two guards halt me.

"Let him in," The head counselor says.

"How could you do this to him?! My father is innocent!"

"We understand how you're feeling General Zod but-"

I am tired of their crap.

"No, you don't! And you don't give a damn about what's happening to this planet either!"

"There's nothing we can do! Look around you, Kal! The planet is on the brink of collapse!"

"If you cowards would have taken action sooner then we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Enough! Leave or we will be forced to remove you!"

I storm out of the chamber. I teleport back to my room and continue staring.

"I was hoping that I would find you here."

Kal turns around and sees a girl standing at his door.

"Lo-Van. I thought you were-"

"We managed to escape before our building collapsed."

"I wish I could help everyone. That is my duty. Now I feel like a helpless soldier watching the battle collapse around him."

I pull out the object that Zod handed to me. I study it hard.

"I wonder what this is for," I ask Lo.

I notice a small button at the bottom and I press it. A hologram shoots out.

"Hello, Kal. This message is the key to help you save our race. Ever since I took you in after your parents died I knew there was something in you that I couldn't really figure out until now. In the hangar, my scientists have been working on an experimental ship used from blueprints created by your biological father, Jor-El. This ship is designed to provide its passenger with enough resources to last a long journey. There is also a gift that your biological father Jor-El wanted you to have. Use this key to access the rocket. Unfortunately, I can't come with you but I will always be with you. Make our family proud."

I look at Lo and we run to the hangar. I ask the key to identify the ship for me. It tells me that it is a single-passenger rocket. I look around until I spot it.

"Come with me, Lo."

"No, Kal. There is only enough supplies for one person. You are meant to help us survive, Kal."

"No, I can't do this. Not without you."

Lo holds my hand and places a memory device into it.

"I will always be with you, Kal. Now go."

I run towards the ship and head inside. The ship turns on and a voice begins speaking.

"Welcome Kal-Zod, son of Dru-Zod. Your destination has already been selected."

I close the door and pull a switch, beginning launch.

"T-minus, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Liftoff!"

I look outside the window and see Lo standing. Tears fall out of my eyes.

"Goodbye Lo," I whimper.

The rocket flies away just as the ground beneath it falls apart.

"Goodbye father," I whisper.

I turn to my side and look out the window. I watch the planet that I grew up on explode into a billion pieces. I can't contain my tears.

The ship keeps flying and I look around to see what my resources are. I spot a bag of chips and grab them.

"Kelex, how long have we been flying for?"

"50 light years and counting."

"Is there any entertainment that Zod left on the ship?"

A screen projector opens up and begins showing a movie.

"I remember this movie. I use it to watch it with mom as a child."

The trip feels like forever and I do my best to keep myself from getting bored. I read crystals. I play games on the KryTablet. I talk to Kelex and ask him for information.

"So what is Earth like?"

Kelex displays a picture of Earth on the projector screen.

"Earth is a planet that formed 4.5 billion years ago and has one moon. The planet is covered by 71% of water and consists of 7 continents: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica."

Kelex begins educating me on Earth and its people. He tells me that they are called humans and they are more primitive than us. After about who knows how long I decide to sleep. I head into a sleeping chamber and turn myself in.

"Good night, Kelex."

"Good night, Kal."

I quickly go to sleep and it feels peaceful. I can barely feel the ship rocking. Suddenly I hear a sound. I wake up and see a red light going off.

"What is the situation, Kelex?"

"No situation, Kal. We are here."

I dash toward the window and stare out to a blue and green planet.

"It looks more beautiful than I could imagine, Kelex."

"You might want to hold on to something, Kal. We are beginning to land."

I sit in the chair and strap myself. The ship begins rocking back harder and harder. Suddenly there is a huge bump and I nearly fall out of my chair. Then everything goes quiet.

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now