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I arrive back at our military base. I lay General Lane down on a bed. Hamilton enters the room.

"What happened to him?"

"He tried to kill me and deliver me to Lex? Said it was to save his daughter."

I look and see my Superman costume on a table.

"Have you finished it?"

"Yes, the modifications are complete. The suit is now lined with lead all over."


I look around.

"Where is Corben?"

Hamilton points to a door. I open the door and find him in a bed. Hamilton follows me.

"How is he?"

"He will be alright. I managed to reverse his brain programming and he should be back to normal."

I notice his eyes beginning to open.

"Superman?" He says.

"Yes, John. I am here."

"What happened?"

"A lot to catch you up on. I will tell you later. For right now, rest."

"What are you going to do?" He asks.

"Paying back to Luthor for the misery he has caused me."

"Go and be a hero," John says, smiling.

I nod my head and walk towards my uniform. I grab it and change into it at super-speed.

"Time to finish this!" I exclaim.

I fly out of the military base and head straight towards LexCorp. Several guards spot me flying towards the base and begin shooting at me. I blast my heat-vision at a high level and disintegrate them instantly. I am tired and I am pissed off. I fly through the door of the facility and use my vision to destroy. I blast the boxes and crates which explode upon impact with my heat vision. I throw boxes at people who try to stop me. I spot a man pulling out his phone.

"This is an emergency! I need-"

I blast the phone out of his hand. I run at him and snap his neck. His lifeless body hits the floor. Several guards charge at me and blast green lasers out of their rifles. However, my suit protects my body from the blasts. I blow them away with my super breath and keep running. I reach the laboratory and begin throwing equipment around destroying it.

"STOP!!!" I hear a voice say.

"Well look who finally showed up?" I say, turning around.

I stare at Lex who is frustrated and shocked.

"It took me this long to get your attention?"

"Oh you have always had my attention! Ever since you joined the military and showed your face, you have been my number one priority!"

"You have hurt innocent people and killed thousands."

"I am doing this to save lives! I refuse to let our race depend on the likes of an alien! I am trying to save my world!"

I run up to him and grab him by his neck and throw him against the wall.

"And you are doing one hell of a job! You are polluting the environment and kidnapping innocent people to experiment and torture!"

"You still have much to learn about humanity, Superman! We are willing to do anything to save our planet even if it means sacrificing some of our own! This is nothing new and has been going on for centuries!"

I have heard enough from this diseased maniac.

"I am going to kill you! You have hurt enough people!"

"You can certainly try but I doubt it!"

He holds his arm up and presses a button on his watch. Suddenly green armor starts covering his body, revealing an exo-suit of some kind.

"I have been waiting a long time for this, Superman!" He says.

I fly straight towards him but he blasts green lasers from his hands. They don't hurt me but I do feel weakened by them.

"Who knew that an alien could be hurt by a green rock? This rock will be your extinction, Superman!"

I charge at him and punch him through a wall. He gets back up on his feet and cracks his neck.

"You know that almost hurt."

"Where did you even get this suit, Lex?"

"From your race, Kryptonian! I have been searching for alien tech ever since you showed your face. My workers found a suit that was revealed to have been worn by your race. I took it and modified it for human usage. Never did it cross my mind that I would use it to kill YOU!" He yells.

I project heat vision at him but it barely scratches him. I hear explosions going off. The facility was exploding.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" He yells.

While he is distracted I grab him and punch him in the face repeatedly. However, he grabs one of my punches and pushes me away.

"I am impressed, Lex."

"You should know better than to underestimate Lex Luthor!"

He pulls out a green dagger and runs at me. He swings it at my head but I dodge it. Suddenly he blasts my head hurting me and giving me a headache. He stabs me in the neck with the dagger. I stumble backwards in pain. The pain is so excruciating. I feel something hit me in the face and I fall to the ground. So this is what it means to feel human? I look up and see Lex standing over me.

"Now it's time to end your threat once and for all!"

He pulls a baton out of his leg and presses a button, transforming it into a green axe. He raises it above his head preparing to swing it.

"Any final words before I kill you?"

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now