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I continue to run and run and run. I stop when I reach a sign.

"Huh, welcome to Metropolis. Interesting."

I walk into the city wearing a new pair of clothes.

"This city looks nice," I think to myself.

I walk around and see many people walking. Some of them are holding bags, others carry a small device.

"What are your plans, Kal?" Kelex asks.

"Well, I might want to find someplace to live. How does one acquire a place to live?"

"Are you asking me?" A passing civilian asks.

"Well you need money, and since you don't have any, you might want a job."

"A job?"

"Yes, it's like something you that earns you money."

"Very interesting. Well, where can I find a job?"

"Are you asking me?" A passing civilian asks

"Oh no, I am just-well actually yes. Do you know where I can find a job?"

"There's plenty of opportunities to work here. Just find one that you might be interested in."

"Thank you, Mr.-"

"White, Perry White. And you are?"

"Clark Kent."

Well, have a good day, Mr. Kent," He says as he walks away.

I visit a few places to find a job. I eventually land a job as a construction worker. I see the other workers sweating and breathing hard but I barely break a sweat. They stare at me strangely. However, I don't really pay any mind to them and focus on my work. I earn enough money to rent an apartment room. It's not big but it works. I make myself right at home. One day, I am working on one of the scaffolds. Suddenly a coworker slips and nearly falls. I quickly grab him by his wrist and pull him back up.

"Thanks, Clark. I owe you one."

"Oh, so now you like me, but only because I saved your life."

I walk away annoyed.

"What selfish jerks," I mutter under my breath.

When my shift is over, I began to walk home.

"Hold up, Clark!" A voice says.

I turn around and see the man that I rescued running up to me with two other guys.

"Hey man, we're sorry that we haven't been treating you fairly. Would you like to hang out with us?"

I think for a moment.

"Sure, why not?"

I head back to my apartment and get showered.

"Do you have any plans tonight, Kal?"

"I am just going to hang out with a few coworkers."

"Have fun and enjoy yourself."

"Thanks, Kelex, and I will."

I change and head over to Ace O'Clubs where the guys are waiting for me.

"Sup fellas. Shall we head inside?"

We walk through the doors and head straight for the bar. We sit and order beers. I look over to the coworker that I saved.

"I never got your name," I ask.

"Oh, it's Jim. So Clark, are you a big drinker?"

"Not really. I try to avoid drinking as much as possible."

"You have to loosen up, Clark. Live a little."

Jim hands me a glass of beer. He holds up his glass to me.

"You will never know if you don't live a little."

I pick up the glass and stare at it.

"Oh what the heck," I think to myself.

I hold the glass and clink it against Jim's glass before taking an enormous gulp of the liquid.

"Now that tastes mighty fine. How about another?"

Jimmy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a couple of dollars. He hands them to the bartender who hands us both a glass of whiskey. We both take a giant gulp. After several drinks, I feel great. However, Jim falls to the floor, passed out.

"Jim, are you alright?"

Jim clumsily gets up and walks around strangely. He slowly puts his arm on my shoulder.

"IamfineClark! Youknowyouaremybestfriend!" Jim slurs.

"I think you might have had a little too much to drink there, bud."

"DoIlookdrunktoyou?! He says.

"Oh he is fine! He just needs to work it off!" Another coworker slurs before passing out.

I glance back at Jim who holds an empty glass in his hand and tries to drink from it. He holds it out like he is about to give a toast.

"Here's to my wife and daughter who I love dearly and who I wished-wished was still with me."

I look at him with sadness. He stares at me with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Why the long face?" Jim slurs.

His head suddenly slams on the table and he sobs. I grab his shoulder and lift his head from the table.

"Do you mind telling me about them?"

Jim looks down in sadness.

"My wife was expecting. It was going to be a girl. Then one night, I heard a noise coming from outside. I got out of bed and went outside to see what the racket was. I thought it was nothing at first. Then I went back inside. When I reached my bedroom, I saw this man standing over my wife. Blood was covering her body and there was blood on the man. He was holding a knife in his hand. I got a baseball bat and ran towards him but he knocked me out and escaped."

"I am sorry."

"It's whatever. This world isn't beautiful, Clark. There many who might say it is but I know how the world can work. This world gives you nothing but ugliness."

"But what if you bring something beautiful out of that ugliness?"

"Well good for you, then. I am going to rest for a little bit," Jim says.

Jim falls asleep. I carry Jim on my shoulder and look around to see if anyone is looking. Then I speed to his home and lay him down on his bed before leaving. I run back to my apartment and prepare for bed. Suddenly I hear knocking at the door. I open the door and find General Sam Lane standing with several soldiers next to him.

"Time to talk, Kal."

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now