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General Lane takes me to a red room with a TV, refrigerator, couch, and bed.

"This is where you will be staying for the majority of your training. Since you are not human, you will be undergoing a training regimen different from normal soldiers. Training begins in 30 minutes."

General Lane walks out of the room and I set my stuff down on a table. I take a look around my room. The room contains a TV, a couch, a bed, and some books. I spend several minutes studying the room and staring at everything. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I suddenly hear voices all around me. I hear the voice of a woman yelling at the top of her lungs. I hear General Sam Lane conversing with someone. I can't really hear the entire conversation but I overhear a word called superman.

"Superman? What is that?" I ask myself.

"Clark! It's time to train!" Lane yells.

I follow Lane down a hallway into a room that is filled with all types of gear and equipment. In one part of the room, there's a set of weights and in another part of the room, there is a giant treadmill. I head to the center of the room and stand at attention. General Lane is in another room with a computer. He is probably watching me through the screen.

"Cadet Clark, reporting for duty!"

"At ease, Cadet!"

I stand at ease and await for further orders. I hear Lane's voice communicate through a loud speaker.

"Today, we are going to start your training by testing your powers and abilities," General Lane says over the speaker. "Let us see if you really are more powerful than a locomotive!"

A mechanical noise goes off and I look behind me. A giant door opens, revealing a huge robot walking in.

"Systems targeting. Target acquired. Specimen is not human! Must eliminate!" The robot says.

"Let's see if you survive this, soldier!" General Lane says.

The robot runs toward me. I run towards the big hunk of metal before leaping over it. Then I run around the room.

"You can't catch this!" I yell, laughing.

I lose focus on where I am going and splatter into a wall. I feel more surprised than hurt.

"Ow! That actually kinda hurt!" I exclaim.

I look over and see the giant robot walking towards me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, thinking of what my next move should be. Then an idea hits me and I open my eyes. I take a deep breath and blow as hard as I can. Suddenly I feel a huge blast of wind blowing out of my mouth and sends the robot flying into a wall. I run over to the robot and make my eyes glow red. My eyes begin shooting lasers at the robot.

"Warning! Warning! Self-destruction sequence initiated!"

I stare at it in confusion.

"Explosion will commence in 5, 4, 3, 2,1! Goodbye!"

Fire comes out of the robot and spreads through the entire room. I see it heading towards General Lane and with super speed, I run towards the front of the computer room and blow the flames away from the scientists and General Lane.

"Well, that was easy! What else you got?"

General Lane presses a button opening another door. This one reveals 8 soldiers who run in with silver armor and helmets of some kind and carrying heavy-looking guns.

"These soldiers don't seem like the ones that I am used to, Lane!"

"What obvious observation, Clark! These men are a special kind of soldier. They are wearing and using salvaged alien discovered and gathered from past invasions."

I run up to one of the soldiers and attempt to punch him. His metal glove catches my hand.

"What?? How is this possible?!" I ask with a shocked tone.

The soldier grins and punches me in the chest, knocking me back a few feet.

"Okay, that actually hurt," I exclaim, placing my hand on my chest while breathing heavily.

I look around me and I stare at the soldiers with the alien tech. I recognize some of the technology. One of them is from a planet called Thanagar. I don't know much about it but I do recall that their people dressed up like birds. Another tech I recognize comes from Mars. However, one piece of tech catches my attention. I see a Kryptonian symbol on the tech. I look up at General Lane.

"You had encounters with Kryptonians, General?"

"No time for conversation! Get your ass back in there and knock those suckers out!" Lane yells.

I nod my head and turn my attention back towards the soldiers wearing the alien tech. I use super-hearing to sense what they are saying.

"What a loser? I can't believe he is going to be our Superman!"

The word Superman catches my attention again. What does it mean?

Then I disregard the comment and turn my attention back to training. I leap towards one of the soldiers. I pretend that I am going to punch him and he gets into a defensive stance. This throws him off guard and offers me a chance to attack. I grab him by the shoulders and throw him to the ground. He quickly recovers and runs at me. I quickly sidestep him and hold out one foot. He trips over my foot and falls to the ground. Then I punch him hard in the face, knocking him out.

"Okay, who's next?"

The soldiers are glancing at each other. I smirk as they decide on who is going to make the next move. A soldier loads his alien rifle and begins shooting at me. The lasers bounce off my body and ricochets towards several of the soldier, hurting them. He stops firing when he realizes this and clenches his metal fists. He gets into a punching position and walks up to me.

"Give me your best shot!"

"You're going to regret saying that."

The soldier punches me in the jaw. I never felt more pain in my life. I fall to the ground and feel my jaw. I feel something I haven't felt in a long time: Blood. However, I maintain my composure and get back on my feet.

"Congrats! You actually managed to hurt me. I won't be giving you another chance!"

The soldier who made me bleed runs up to me and attempts to punch me. With super-speed, I dodge his blows and using my superhuman strength, I uppercut him in the head, sending him flying into the air. He falls and lands on a couple of boxes, unconscious. I look at the 6 other soldiers who are still standing. They look at each other and suddenly, they all attack at me at the same time. They kick me and punch me as well as blast at me. Despite a few blows managing to hurt a little, overall I barely felt a thing. Then I blow and send several of the soldiers flying into walls and boxes. The last soldier remaining looks at me with fear in his eyes.

"You should be afraid of me!" I exclaim.

I reach my hand towards him and flick him into a wall.

"What next, General?" I ask, dusting my hands off.

"We're finished for today. Tomorrow we are testing your durability and stamina."

The room's light turns off and the entire room becomes pitch black. Everyone leaves and I do the same, running out of the room at superhuman speed.

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now