almost famous

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Ryan Bernt wasnt EXACTLY a normal kid. He was a kid... but he had a different personality. Yeah, he had friends, but kind of a secret. nobody knew, but he was a bit of an emo. he was bullied but not to often... yet. He had another secret... people always say they want to be a doctor, or a mechanic when they grow up... but he wanted to be a rapper when he grows up. He listened to Eminem a lot and he inspired him. He told people he would be a great rapper if he would be one. And he said that he thinks that he would eventually be rich a long time ago, but the other kids just laughed at him and said stuff like,'' you ain't gonna do that'' or ,'' you won't amount to shit'' and that alone made him wanna kick them in the balls but now when he does get bullied, he gets pushed into lockers or getting his books knocked out of his hands.

But he KNEW he would reach success someday and he will show them...

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i wasnt gonna do chapters but i just wanna see how u guys like it so far...

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