chp3 stress

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Ryan woke up and he couldn't really sleep again, like the rest of the week but for some reason he felt like he got a bunch of sleep that night. He got ready for school and snuck out his mp3 and got on the bus and a kid named Mike, one of the bullies, came up to him and he just thrashed his hand at the cord of his headphones and they fell to the floor. Ryan screamed,"What the fuck?!" and Mike replied with,"Oops, I'm sorry... did i do that?". Ryan picked up his headphones and said,'' Go freakin hang yourself, asshole!''. Mike said,"Naah, I don't think I will". Ryan said,"Did I ask you, or ask what you think... No, I'm telling you". Mike snatched his mp3 and smashed Ryan's headphones and looked at Ryan,''Hmm..." Ryan got mad and grabbed Mikes backpack and ripped it off his shoulders. Mike shouted,"Hey" and scrambled to get it back. He thrashed to get it back and got Ryan in the face. Ryan got mad and socked Mike in the jaw. He staggered back and grabbed a big textbook and hit Ryan with it. Mike went to hit him with it as he climbed up in the seat, but Ryan kicked it and it hit Mike in the face. Ryan climbed to the aisle and on to the other row of seats and on top of Mike and hammered down with fists. Mike put his hands up to protect his face and got Ryan in his temple. Not hard enough to knock him out. People were screaming stuff like,"oh crap. watch those two" or,"hey look at them". The bus driver pulled off to the side and shouted," Hey! Whats going on here!?" and pulled the two away from each other. The two blubbered and babbled about it. She put them at the front of the bus one on each side of rows until they got to school, but on the ride there Mike was eyeballing him the entire time and throwing bits of paper at him. "Screw off!" He shouted. The bus driver scolded him for swearing and scolded Mike for not leaving him alone while she focused on the road. Mike was still staring at Ryan and he flipped him off. ~just ignore him~ Ryan thought. ~It's gonna be a long day~

When they got to the school, they got reported to the office and they got sat down and waited for a while, Mike got called in first and came out ten minutes later looking pretty mad and stared at him on the way out. Ryan then got called in and the principle was on the phone and he heard her say," hold on, here he is-, Mr. Bernt... I'm on the phone with your father...

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