chp 2

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Every morning Ryan listened to Eminem before he went to school to get ideas for verses and motivation. He would look in the mirror and not see Ryan, but he saw RB the rapper... he was bound and determined to SHOW those who said he wouldn't amount to nothin' that they're wrong. He was gonna show them that he'd be Eminem the sequel. As he woke up that morning after having a dream, he got ready for a day of either A.) bullying or B.) boredom. As said before, he was bullied too often but when he was, it was pretty bad. One time a kid took Ryans textbook and threw it down the stairs and slapped a kid then ran away and a teacher came by, so the bully bullied two kids at once. He hit a kid and Ryan got in trouble for it. Wow.

Ryan mumbled,'' Bitch" under his breath and went on. The rest of the day was normal but he got a full day detention the next day. Great. Now he cant even talk to his friends either. His Mom grounded him from his phone, t.v., computer, and video games. But luckily he has an mp3 player hidden so he could still listen to music, like Eminem, Linkin Park, Green Day, and other stuff. The day after was normal, but he just kinda lost it. He was pissed, he didn't know why, but he didn't care either. He was actually hoping someone would bully him just to knock them out. Just for the fun of it. He didn't sleep that night, though. He just couldn't. He was tired the next day, but didn't care. The next day was like that, too. And the rest of the week. What was going on...

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