chp4 uh-oh

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Ryan picked up the phone,"h-hello?" Ryan stuttered. "Ryan?" his dad asked. "Y-yes?". His dad replied," I'm not gonna punish you yet 'cause i don't know the whole and EXACT story, BUT... I'm assuming you're gonna make it out to be the good guy, now arentcha?""No. I AM the good guy, but... I'm gonna tell you the whole story and the RIGHT story... Mike thrashed his hand at my headphones on my Mp3 player while i was just listening to my music." His dad paused a bit,"I thought you were grounded from anything....including your mp3, remember?"

Ryan sighed," I know, I ain't gonna lie... I WAS sneaking my mp3, but that's not the point, Mike started it, though." Ryan raised his voice."If you haden't had your mp3 he wouldn't have went for your headphones, would he?" "He smashed my headphones and no, but he would've still been a douchebag." Ryan looked up and saw his principles eyes widen,"I mean-... a jerk."

"I get it Ry, but I'm just trying to help, son." Ryan sighed again," I know dad, but-" his dad cut him off," I gotta do Ry, I'm in the middle of a meeting, we'll talk about it later,k? Love you buddy" "Love you,too,dad." Ryan replied. His dad sighed,"Bye, Ryan" Ryan paused a bit and looked at his principle. "Bye, dad..." then he handed the phone to the principle and she spoke,"Mr. Bernt? Yeah, I'm gonna have to ask you to pick up your son early, for getting in a fight with another student......... no, I'm gonna need you to pick him up.... mmhmm..... yes I understand.... yes..... okay..... okay... mmhmm.... bye" There was a short pause then she spoke again," Your father is coming to pick you up in an hour" ~AN HOUR!!~ Ryan thought... ~I can BARELY spend FIVE MINUTES with you, and i know you're gonna bring in that JERK OFF who broke my headphones in too! GREAT... Im gonna DIE now!~ A million thoughts raced through his head. Class barely started,too.

The principle brought in Mike and sat him down next to Ryan. ~Go die you fuckin' pigs ass!~ Ryan thought.~You and Zach and all you motherfuckers should go to hell...~ His principle said,"As you both know, you two were in a fight..." ~No shit~ Ryan thought with a still bloody nose and Mike with bruises and cuts on his face and arms as they looked at each other with MAJOR hate and threats. Mike replied,"No, Ryan was in a fight, I was in boxing practice." The principles eyes widened as Ryan got up and almost shouted,"REALLY, DOUCHEBAG... I only got a bloody nose and you gotta bruised up face, dumbass RETARD!" and the principle screamed "BOYS!" as they settled down she went on,"Now I don't know WHAT it is with you, but you two need to get along! Is that so hard!?" ~Yes.~ "Can't you two get along?" ~NO.~ "You BOTH are suspended for a week and a half starting effective on Thursday, do you understand?" They both nodded. ~Its only Tuesday... wow~

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