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"Y'all better hurry up!" Tony says into the comms, groaning due to being stuck under a building after a battle. 

"We need a location Stark." he hears Natasha's voice calmly state through the comms. 

"I've been inside this cave for the past month and you need a location now!" Tony yells, panicking slightly as his mind goes back to Afghanistan. 

"Tones, baby, you are not in Afganistan, and you are not in a cave. Baby, take deep breaths, I'm right here, and we will come and find you, but we need to know the area that you're in." He hears his boyfriend state calmly. 

"I-It's near the tower, about 3 blocks south I think. I-It's the only collapsed building in the area I believe." He states as calmly as he can manage, trying not to let the voices in his head overwhelm him. The comms die for a second, and then the entire teams' inside the building with him. The only person he has eyes for though is his handsome, magical boyfriend, Stephen Strange. The team quickly pulls the rubble off of him, and he's swept into Stephen's hold. 

"Shh, baby, shh. You're ok. You're in New York with me and the team, and I promise you, you will never be alone again. Shh. You're safe baby, you're safe." He whispers into my ear, quickly opening a portal into our bedroom, and sending the Avengers to their respective rooms in a minute. I calm down slowly, wrapped in my boyfriends hold. 

"I'm always safe with you Stephen. I know that. I love you." I reply once I could speak clearly. "All I have to do is call, and you'll be here"

"Whenever you need me, baby, I'll be there in a hurry."

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