Flower Shop

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Tony POV

I love spending time with Stephen, my husband. I can't believe I can say that Stephen Strange is my husband. I never thought I'd be able to settle down like this ever in my life due to my reputation and my job (superhero). But I did. And I've been happily married to the love of my life for 3 years. We met on Thanos' henchmen's donut ship, and after we beat Thanos on Titan, we dated for a few months, and then he proposed to me and we got married at a small ceremony with no press and only our family and the reformed Avengers and Avengerettes (Little Avengers). It was nice and sweet. 

"Tony, where'd you go sweetheart?" Stephen asked me, smiling down at me as we walked around Central Park. 

"Nowhere, just thinking about our relationship and our wedding," I say, smiling back at him, getting up on my tiptoes to peck his lips. Before I can move too far away, Stephen quickly uses his magic to pick me up and start making out with me. As we pull away, I can't stop smiling and neither can he. We exit the central park to do some window shopping and just enjoy each others company. We pass a flower shop, and I can't help but pull Stephen into it, and we walk around for a bit, me telling him what each flower was and why it was called what it was called, etc. My mother had taught me all about flowers and gardening when I was younger, and it just never went away I guess. Stephen for his part never told me to shut up or pulled me out of there, like any of my other significant others. He just followed me around and asked questions everyone in a while, clearly listening to what I was saying. The owner came by and we had a very nice conversation together about the shop and the flowers she was selling, and as we were leaving, she gave us a bouquet of purple poppies for free, letting me know that I can come by whenever. Stephen gently pulled me out of there and said thank you, as I was shell-shocked. We kept walking and window shopping a bit, and my hands started to fidget with the bouquet. I started to make a flower crown. When I was done, an orange glow surrounded it and placed it on someone's head. When I looked up, I saw Stephen's eyes glowing but his face straight, as he walked along with the flower crown I had just made on his head. He looked down, gave me a quick peck on the lips and took the bouquet, fashioning me a flower crown with the rest of the flowers and placing it on my head. We just kept walking along, saying something every once in a while and going into one of the shops every so often, but we didn't take those flower crowns off for the entire day.

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