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"OMG, Natasha, Natasha, Guess what! Guess what!" Tony yelled as he burst into Natasha's room. He was the only one other than Bruce and Clint able to do that without the threat of death. 

"What is it Tones?" Natasha asks, looking bored.

"Stephen just asked me out on a date!" He squeals. Natasha smiles, truly happy for her friend, no, her brother. She had been worried for him after his nasty breakup with Tiberius Stone, the bastard. She's happy he's started to try to find happiness again. She'd been worried that he had fallen into a hole and was unable to find his way out, but it looks like the resident magic man (from this realm that is) was able to bring out the Tony she had been missing the past few months. Which means, she needs to let the whole team know, so they can give the Sorcerer Supreme a shovel talk, a very deadly and threatening shovel talk. 

"That's great котенок," She said softly, giving him a hug, smiling at the way his arms immediately wrapped around her. "Do you want help picking out some clothes? When's the date?"

"It's tonight, he's picking me up at 7. We're going to have dinner and then a moonlight stroll through central park. And, yeah. Could you pretty please with sugar on top help me out? I have no idea what to wear. He said it's just casual, but I don't know if he means like casual casual or fancy casual." Tony said, looking at her with his puppy-dog eyes that makes everyone, even Cap and Bucky, fall over themselves to help him out. 

"I'm sure he doesn't mind what you wear котенок. But of course, I'll help you." She says, smiling softly at how his face lights up.

A few hours later

"Tony, I really enjoyed my date with you. I was hoping we could go on another one soon. Maybe next Friday?" Stephen tells Tony, looking at him in the eyes, standing close to him.

"Y-yeah, I-I'd really enjoy th-that." Tony stutters out. Stephen smirks, moving the slightest bit closer to Tony, conjuring up a rainbow flag to drape over their heads. 

"Is that so? I hope you don't mind me kissing you either." Tony vehemently shakes his head at that, and Stephen's smirk just grows as their lips meet for the first time, but definitely not the last.

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