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A/N---CACW never happened. Tony knew how his parents died from the beginning and never blamed Bucky. He helped Bucky and has been married to Stephen Strange for about 5 years. Set right after Infinity War fight, except the Avengers all won, and the entire battle took place in Wakanda.

Tony knew that he should go to medical after fighting Thanos. He knew that his husband, god how weird is it to say that, his husband would insist that he goes to get checked out. But he just couldn't. All he wanted was to be home in his husbands' arms, watching a movie, and just relaxing after the harrowing fight they just had, and losing his husband, although it was not for long. He can still remember the moments when everyone they loved were dusted, and then he managed to get the stupid gauntlet off of the purple giant's hand, and snapped everyone back into reality. He took the gauntlet off, only to hold in a gasp at how burned his hand was. It was pretty much completely covered in multiple burns, and he couldn't feel a thing. No pain, nothing. Before anyone could see, he quickly had it covered by his suit and they took down Thanos almost immediately, due to all of his power being gone with the loss of the infinity gauntlet. Once he was beaten, everyone else headed to Wakanda medical to get treated for the injuries they had gained throughout the battle against the purple giant, and those that had been "dusted" were also checked over to make sure they were in full health after the harrowing event. Thankfully T'Challa took one look at his face and showed him to his quarters in the palace, knowing that Tony would like to be anywhere but in medical. He changed and carefully took the suit off of his hand, knowing that it wasn't going to be pretty. The pain had started to slip in, so he knew his nerves were not damaged, but only the multiple layers of skin he had on his hands. Damn, it really hurt. "JARVIS, could you scan my hand and let me know the damage? Also, please don't let anyone else know, especially Stephen and Peter, and just let me know when Stephen is coming back from medical." He said calmly to his AI, trying not to freak out due to seeing his mangled hand. 

"Affirmative Sir. Although I do advise you to go to medical, I know you won't do anything, so I'll just do the scan." JARVIS replied, sassily and disgruntled. JARVIS could do something though, that his creator told him not to, and that was to tell Dr. Strange about his husband and his wounds. The doctor would take care of Sir, and though Sir will be mad at him for some time, he would eventually forgive him, like Sir always did. As soon as the scan on Sir's hands were done he told him the extent of his wounds, as well as sent a copy of the information to the doctor who was in medical, which is where Sir should be, but whatever. The doctor was already on his way to Sir's workshop where Sir was currently trying to wrap up his hand with gauze, but actually making things worse. He just conveniently forgot to tell Sir his husband was on his way down from medical because Sir really needs help. Ah, the Doctor had finally arrived.

When Stephen walked in unannounced, Tony's first instinct was to hide his hand behind his back, which is exactly what he did. He also called his gauntlet to hide the burns, but it didn't come. he kept trying while he turned his attention to his disgruntled looking husband. "Hey babe, what's up?" he asked, trying to look cheerful, either he didn't pull it off, or JARVIS had told his husband what had happened, both of which seemed to be the case because Stephen just frowned and walked up to him. As soon as Stephen got close enough, he pulled the hand out from his back, and couldn't help but gasp. 

"Oh, Tony, baby, why didn't you either tell me or go to medical?" His husband asked, looking sad.

"I hate medical and I didn't want you to worry about me. You had just come back to life after all and had to get checked out and make sure everyone else is ok too. I could just wrap it myself anyway." Tony said, looking down, tears popping into his eyes at his husband light touch. He was just pulled into a hug and was told in fervent whispers that he was loved, and always came first in Stephens' eyes. Once he had stopped crying, his husband brought him up into his bedroom and ran down to medical to grab what he needed to treat the burns. Once he came back, he asked what had happened for Tony to gain such terrible burns, and Tony told him everything. By the time he had finished, his hand was completely wrapped and Stephen was holding him in his lap. He just snuggled into his husbands warm and cuddly embrace. All Stephen did was rock him gently back and forth lulling him into a deep sleep. Before he was completely asleep he asked: "Will you stay with me when the nightmares come?".

The last thing he heard before he fell asleep was one word, said reverently from his husband's lips...


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