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A/N - After CACW. Cap's team did sign the accords, so the airport fight never happened. But Siberia does. Instead of fighting each other Tony, Steve and Bucky all fought the remaining supersoldiers. Tony learned about Bucky killing his parents but forgave him due to an estranged relationship with both of them. Tony still sustains the same injuries, Bucky doesn't lose his arm, and Cap's fine, just a bit beat up. Tony is in the worst condition.

In Siberia.

"Finally. They're all dead." Tony sighed as he leaned against a wall of the bunker. 

"Yup," Bucky said, sitting down next to him with a sigh, holding his metal arm, which had been mangled during the fight.

"Great job. T'Challa is outside with Zemo, and he wants us to let him know if any of us are injured enough that we can't leave without help. I'm just a bit beat up, how about you two?" Cap asks, sitting down on the other side of Tony. 

"I'm also a bit beat up, but they're already starting to heal. The arms mangled though." Bucky says, staring at his arm. Tony quickly turns over and hides his wince of pain as he grabs Bucky's arm and starts to quickly fix it. 

"I'm so building you a new arm Barnes." He grumbles as he rearranges the wires and replaces the metal platings. 

"Tony, how about you? You hurt?" Cap asked as he finished up. He looked at his friend and saw that the arc reactor casing was smashed and that his suit was digging into Tony's arms, and he knew that his friend was hurt...severely. He also knew that Tony would play it down, and say he wasn't hurt too much. He met Buck's eyes and saw that Bucky had come to the same conclusion as he just had. He gave a slight nod towards Bucky and watched as Buck stood up and picked Tony up bridal style, ignoring Tony's sqwak of protest.

"Cap, help me! Tell your bud to put me down!" He hears Tony yell, but before he could say a thing, Stephen Strange suddenly shows up walking out of a portal. He hurries over to Bucky and Tony and immediately carries Tony to the helicarrier.

"Well, at least he's a doctor that Tony will listen to right?" Bucky asks, and all I do is nod at him.

In the helicarrier medbay.

"Tony, you will sit your cute ass down on that bed, or I will make you do it myself." Stephen threatens his boyfriend for what seems like the 100th time in the past 20 mins.

"But, I'm fine! Just a little scuffed up like Bucky and Steve were." Tony argues, but at his boyfriends look, he sighs and sits down on the bed, looking down at his arc reactor, and fiddling with it.

"I brought your replacement one just in case. Here, let me put it in." His boyfriend softly says and pulls out his old, cracked reactor softly, and quickly switches them out before Tony can freak out any more than he already has been. But it isn't fast enough, and Tony enters into an anxiety attack, brought on by memories of Afganistan and Obi-Stane. Stephen is ready for this and quickly sits down next to his boyfriend and holds him through the attack and slowly helps him to come back from the memories. As Tony is lulled into a deep sleep, he mutters just loud enough for Stephen to hear, "You're the only doctor I'll ever love as much as I do." And Stephen smiles, kissing his sweet boyfriend's head and whispering "I love you too baby."

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