Part II

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I can't believe he was serious. He really wants me to leave. Where the fuck am I gonna go!?

A few days later

I was wandering the streets of New York. Tired. Hungry. Scared. I still haven't found a place to stay yet.

And for some unknown reason, when New Yorkers see a 15 year old girl with a bag full of clothes, starved and beaten they don't even think twice about it. Strange.

I was about to give up hope and just crawl in a hole somewhere and die. Not that anyone would miss me if I did. When I heard someone utter the name Winston.

I looked around and saw a guy with dark black hair talking to a guy with Brown hair. I walked over. Shy to confront them.

"U-um. Excuse me." I say quietly. The black haired one looks down at me and scoffs. Like I was dirt on his shoe or something.

The brunette however looked down at me and his expression was much softer than the other.

"Sorry kid we don't donate to the homeless." The black haired one says coldly.

"S-sorry. I just heard you talking about s-someone named Winston? Do you know where I could find them?"

The brunette smiled slightly but the black haired one stuck his stupid nose in the air.

"You mean Dallas?" He asks. I nod my head quickly and my heart skipped a beat.

"He lives in Oklahoma miss." He says. My smile drops immediately. Oklahoma!

"O-oh. Sorry to bother you." I turn to leave but the brunette stops me.

"Wait, why're you asking?"

"O-oh. Dallas is my brother. I was needin somewhere to stay for a while. Old man kicked me out. Sees I'm too late for that. I'll be on my way now sir." I say turning around once more.

The brunette stops me again by putting his hand on my shoulder and I flinch. He immediately draws back.

"Sorry. But I could help you get there. I'm from Oklahoma myself. Just visiting my dear brother." He says patting the black haired ones back.

He looks away from the both of us stubbornly.

"Oh. That's nice. But I don't wanna be a bother."

"It's no trouble miss. I'd be happy to take you to your brother. Say, why are you two separated anyways? Your parents split up or something?"

This was something I didn't like talking about with strangers. Or anyone really.

"Dallas left home after he got arrested. Just packed up and left without sayin a word." I replied.

"So your mother just puts up with your dad kicking you out?"

Yet another topic I wasn't comfortable with talking about.

"Ki- died a few years back." I stopped myself. The man looked skeptical but didn't question.

"Sorry to hear. How bout we get you back to my dear brothers house and get you all cleaned up and fed. We leave for Oklahoma tomorrow morning." He says.

I nod slowly and despite the brothers protest we were on our way.

When we got to his house I was actually amazed. I've never seen houses this big up close before.

We walked inside and I gasped. I didn't even wanna walk in because I was afraid I would contaminate or ruin anything I touched.

But the brunette man assured me it was okay while the black haired man just walked off angrily. He didn't even try to protest. It seems when this brother makes up his mind, it's final.

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