Chapter One

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 The next morning, Jude woke early and began brushing out her long curly hair. She hated her hair so much, the ends constantly twisting around other curls and making it hard to look slightly nice. But eventually she gets through it and continues to throw on a burgundy over-sized sweater with a ribbon attaching the low back together. She slipped on some leggings and her cute flats. Jude always dressed for a mixture of comfort and formality. She applied some mascara and some foundation, in hopes of minimizing the thin white lines across her face. She filled in her, already almost perfect, eyebrows and headed to the kitchen. Perseus, who preferred the name Max, was drinking some coffee and reading a book.
"Hey Max, you're giving me a ride, right?" Jude questioned. Her brother glanced up.
"Nah, you can handle walking." He said with a goofy grin on his face, "Of course. I wouldn't miss seeing my sister off to school, now would I? I have to embarrass you somehow." Jude rolled her eyes, making Max let out a deep chortle, "Oh Judy, lighten up."
"I'm not exact a "lighten up" kinda person, Max." Jude said, adding air quotes around lighten up. "I'm more sarcastically dark and misunderstood." Max scoffed and began walking to the door, Jude following to his car.
"You're such a dork." Max said, starting the car and pulling out.
"Well, it's better than a loser, huh Max?" Max glared playfully at his younger sister.

"Have fun at school, dork." Jude hummed a good bye as she walked towards the entrance of the school. Jude realized, for the first time, that she would be alone in this school building. No one knew her, she knew no one. She was alone in this whole building.

Jude made her way to the office, where she met a very bubbly and sweet blonde, Betty.
"So, Andromeda--" Betty started but Jude cut her off.
"I am begging, please call me Jude. Andromeda is so formal, it hurts my whole body." Betty smiled.
"Of course. Jude, I am here to give you a tour, take you to your classes, give you our history, etc." Jude smiled at Betty. Betty seemed to care a lot about other people and it was really sweet seeming.
"Lead the way, Betty." Jude said as she followed Betty through the school. Betty gave her brief bits of history and told her about the grand football teams. She also informed Jude of the murder, since it's still a big thing.

"Wow, a murder mystery. And I remember you saying you write for the Blue and Gold, right? Are you writing about it?" Jude questioned, causing Betty to nod in shock. Betty may be a known name but that was really it. No one knew the interesting facts because she just wasn't that interesting of a person.
"Yeah, I haven't written anything though. I've just been thinking about starting it up, and maybe asking a friend of mine to join." Jude smiled widely. Betty noticed the thin, very faint white lines across the bridge of her nose and cheeks and jaw. Even though those were there, Betty still found her beauty to be exotic. She was this dainty princess, strong as nails. If anything, those scars really added to her beauty and Betty began to like her a lot more with her sense of humor and very patient attitude.

By lunch, Jude was sitting with Betty. Jude had mentioned maybe helping with the Blue and Gold, as she really was into writing and reading. Betty thought it was a wonderful idea, as she really wanted to add more friends to their very close circle.
"Hey, Betty! Is this Andromeda?" Jude cringed at her first name, turning the glare that she wanted to direct at the ginger boy toward the table.
"It's just Jude." She said with a smile.
"I'm Archie." She took noticed to Archie's kind face. He seemed rather bothered by something. Jude, though she hates to admit, is very perceptive. Some would say she is an empath. Able to identify emotions was her specialty, which is probably why she enjoyed art.
"So, how long has school been started by now?" Jude asked, wondering how much work she'd need to make up and how much she'd missed.
"Oh, it is the 2nd week, so no worries, nothing to terribly hard has happened yet. By the way, love the sweater." A boy was not sitting next to Jude, he was tall, short hair with bright eyes. She didn't want to assume he was gay, so she didn't.
"Jude." She said, offering her hand out to shake.
"Kevin. Yes, I am gay." Jude ginned as he shook her hand.
"And I am Veronica." a dark hair girl said, moving beside Kevin. Jude took the time to shake her hand, noticing the very cute outfit she was wearing.
"Jude. And your outfit is so nice." Veronica curtsied, replying with a thank you. Everything seemed calm, the girl met a lot of people, no drama yet. She liked everyone thus far.

We're Built Through Scars *J.J.*Where stories live. Discover now