Chapter Three

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        Jude and Jughead slowly became better friends, happily noticing the similar sense of humor and sarcastic personality. Jughead was still untrusting of her, but that was natural for him. It wasn't who she was, it was just Jughead being afraid of being hurt. Jude had invited Jughead over while Betty and Veronica went to get revenge on Chuck Clayton. Max wasn't home and Jude's house was very tidy.

Jughead felt very jealous. Jude's small house was cozy. There were two L shaped couches in the living room with a TV in the center of the room. The walls, though bare with no pictures, had very nice color of a faded off white. Jude smiled at the young boy.
"Hey, let's head to my room." Jughead followed her, looking around her room. It was painted a blueish purple color and, unlike the living room, there were pictures in here. Her bed was just a box-spring and a mattress on the floor with some black sheets. She had books, paintbrushes, pastels, all sorts of art things scattered around the room.
"You do art?" Jughead questioned. Jude's softly smiled and nodded, closing her eyes.
"That is actually why I invited you, I have been working on some painting for my portfolio for if I decide to go to college and I am doing a portrait study. I was wondering if I could borrow you?" She questioned, cocking her head to the side just slightly.
"Ah, I see, an alternate motive. You have wounded me, I thought we were friends." Jude's giggle filled Jughead's ears and he smiled a bit wider.
"Well, I'll treat you for dinner tonight if you'd like?" Jude smiled smugly as Jughead nodded quickly. She giggled again, telling him to sit on her bed while she changed and grabbed some things for the portrait.

Jughead took the time to observe the pictures on the walls. He could clearly make out a very young Jude, maybe 6. She wasn't scarred like she is now. She was standing next to a boy who look identical to her. Light sandy brown hair and bright green eyes. He was slightly taller. They were eating ice cream on a playground. Behind them stood the blonde Max. He was 10 and was scolding at the two twins playfully. There was one person Jughead couldn't make out. A 13 year old girl with long tangled blonde curls and hazel eyes. She was sitting beside Jude, 'helping' her eat her ice cream. Jughead almost felt sympathy, realizing that these people that were so close to her were now gone.
"Juggie, don't feel bad for me. My brother, Archer, he was the best guy I ever knew. It may have been a short life, but was it full of so much excitement. And I like to believe he is happily watching me. As for my sister, she is a bad person, I don't feel too bad for her." Jude said, causing Jughead to jump.
"I didn't mean to upset you. I was curious." He mumbled and Jude smiled.
"No, it's fine. I don't try to hide them. I want people to see them." She said. Jughead took in her a white stained over-sized tee shirt and painted leggings. The sleeves were rolled up a little past the elbow joint and he could see the scars mapping her arms, but that wasn't what caught his eye. While sitting on the bed, watching her paint, he took in her tattoos.

Jude had a couple tattoos, from what Jughead could see. The first that caught his attention was a bow and arrow with some stars. It was placed delicately on her shoulder, right on the ball of her joint. The one was two hands, fingers extended to touch one another. It was placed on the crease of her elbow. He found such a girl fascinating. She didn't look like the girl to have tattoos. She looked too innocent. But they didn't detract from her overall appearance. It was like the scars, he found he very beautiful still.
"Would you care for some music?" She said, glancing up to meet his eye.
"If that is okay with you." She smiled at his politeness. Jude grabbed her phone, looking through her playlist. She came to her art playlist and played the music. The first song coming on happened to be Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms. Jughead's face gave away that he'd never heard this song.
"It's good, I swear." Jude said, giggling at his confused face. She did a scouts honor type hand signal. Jughead watched her pick back up the brush.

Hey man, I love you but no fucking way

Jughead's eyes watched the way she stroked the brush down the canvas. He concentrated on the light coffee stains, or was it tea? He watched her bite her lip in concentration and the crinkle in her brow. Sometimes she stuck her tongue out. He found it simply unique, in a beautiful type of way. He went back to glancing at her tattoos, catching a couple more small ones.
"I wasn't aware you had tattoos." Jughead said, without thinking. God, he wanted to kick himself for even drawing attention to himself. Jude's green eyes looked up from the canvas, meeting Jughead's blue.

Never graduating up in size to add another

"Yeah, I got them young. I don't regret them, I just regret the looks I get. I have more than just these. It became a way for me to cope with the loss of my brother and sister and mother. I got tattoos instead of laying in bed and crying. This one," She pointed at the bow and arrow, "is Archer's. It's in dedication to him. This one also." She indicated the hands, "The Creation of Adam. I'm not religious, but I like to believe that there is a connection between me and him. The connection between earth and heaven." Jughead could see the slight tears forming. "I drew a lot of my own tattoos. The wildflowers, the handwritten quotes. Everything. It was a way of putting what I could design on myself. Telling my story." Jude's hands were shaking. Jughead stood quickly.
"Hey, Jude, calm down." Jughead whispered, approaching her.
"I just miss him, Jug. I miss him more than anything. I would give anything to see him again." Jude grabbed the hem of her shirt, "But don't worry. I'm fine." She said, finally meeting his eye. Jughead placed both hands on her arms, holding her at a distance, in case it was unwanted.
"Tell me about him." Jughead's spoke softly, as if afraid she was break into a million pieces.
"Oh, Juggie, Archer was amazing. We hardly fought. Our personalities weren't anything alike, I think that is why people were always so shocked to hear we were twins. He was this glamorous, athletic loser. We had movie nights every Friday. Every Friday since we were 5. I think one time, when he was first getting into sports, we watched Remember the Titans for like, a whole month. And I wasn't even annoyed. He was so happy and I enjoyed watching him say the movie, line by line. He protected me as much as he could. We ate ice creams on Wednesday's after school and went to the playground. He use to tell these stupid corny pick up lines and jokes. I would shove him and he would just laugh. The thing that bothers me most about his death is that, even though nobody said it, I know that they thought it was the wrong twin. I think that everyday of my life. Archie and my brother could've been best friends. They were so similar. And you would've liked his jokes. And despite being into football, we both loved reading. We read every book we could get our hands on. He was such an amazing guy. I wish it would've been me. I would've happily taken his place. Archer would've actually been successful in life. I don't even think I'll make it to college. He should be here, living his dream." Jude's voice quivered but Jughead listened, instantly wishing he could take her brother's place, "I loved him, Jughead. He was the only friend I had in such a cold world." Jughead's fingers trailed her tattoos, brushing scars. His cold fingers met the back of her neck, pulling her into a tight hug. Jude, just wanting that feeling of comfort, allowed it to happen. She stood on her tiptoes, burying her face into Jughead's neck.
"Listen to me Andromeda Jude, this is sad. It's hard losing someone you care about, and for that, I am so sorry. But trust me, you deserve to live. Live for him. Live in honor of him. Go to college and lead the life you want to live, make him proud. I know he is watching. He is already so proud of you." Jughead could feel her breaths against his neck. He could feel the light tears from Jude's eyes.

Jughead decided to lay her down, feeling her sleepily sway. He didn't want to think he had a crush, because he wouldn't date her. Never. But he did care for the petite girl. He watched as she dozed off, into a dream filled sleep. Jughead took the time to go look at the painting she had started. It was nice, he had to admit. Not completed, but he could see the talent the small girl had. Jug was sure Jude would get into any art school she wanted, her talent was immense. Jughead glanced back at the bed, smiling at the small girl.

We're Built Through Scars *J.J.*Where stories live. Discover now