Chapter Two

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In the small town of Riverdale, Jude's name traveled fast. Soon, all the adults were aware of the last name, Edison, returning. Children became aware that the family name was bad and to stay away. No one knew the whole story, other the F.P. He already knew of the return and set up his men, prepared to defend this town once again from an Edison.

Jughead knew not to base anyone off their family, but he found it hard to trust her. Hr warned the group of teens about her after the football game. They were sitting in Pop's diner when Jughead finally spoke.
"Guys, I really think we should avoid Jude. The Edison name is almost as bad as the Blossom name." Jughead's serious tone cause the other three to glance at him, worried.
"Jug, I know you have a hard time trusting peop--." Betty was cut off by Jughead fast.
"She isn't a safe person, she comes from a chaotic family that frightened this town years ago." Veronica and Betty exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of the situation. But surprisingly, Archie was the one to speak
"Jughead, we've all spoken to her. She seems rather nice and I don't know why you're basing things off family when you don't exactly have the best one." Archie was set on being friends with Jude. She seemed nice. She defended Jughead and Betty really seemed to like her.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." Jughead said, glancing down at his shake. And that was the last the topic was spoken of.

Monday morning, Jude was in school ready to begin the day. She had always enjoyed school, she found everything to be fascinating. She hadn't seen Betty though, which worried her. Archie had said hey to her this morning, but Veronica just avoided meeting eyes. Jude was worried. She enjoyed having friends.

"Ah, just the girl I was looking for." Cheryl Blossom approached her, giving her a smug smile, "An Edison, boy do I know a lot about your family. My parents told me everything, not to mention you are a big part of the town's history. Father a Serpent and mother was a trashy stripper. Your father though, his tale really sticks out to me. Discharged from the gang for something that the gang wouldn't even talk about. What did your father do?" Jude glared holes through her head.
"Why don't you mind you own business?" Jude's snarled reaction made Cheryl more delighted, surprising Jude.
"Ah, but when your mother and father were together. I heard they were always high and terrorized people. Possibly murdered. They put you and your siblings in danger. I also know that your mother joined the Serpents later, as their little slut. Would your father maybe, be a suspect in my brother's murder? Or maybe your sister? Oh, but she is in jail! That is right. Wasn't it also for murder? How do you feel about murder, Andromeda?" Jude glared and looked away, ashamed of her family. Cheryl's hand reached up and traced the faint scarring across her face, "Nothing to say, dear Andromeda?" Jude snatched her face away.
"I've been in this town for less that a week. I haven't been here since I was a couple months old. I know nothing about you or your brother, so please just leave me alone." Jude's voice was soft, and cracked a bit. Jughead's eyes were staring intently at the girl who looked very upset, watching her push past Cheryl and heading to class.

Jughead wanted to approach the girl and demand she explain herself. He wanted to know what her father did, her mother? Why was her sister in jail? What were the scars on her face? He didn't know much about her and only had one person left to turn to: his dad. So Jughead ditched, going to go see him for the answers he need.

Jude sat in English, towards the back. They were talking about Hamlet, which Jude already adored. She enjoyed the play so much. But all of her excitement was forgotten as the Sheriff and the Principle enter the room, taking Cheryl who said she was guilty.

Jude's anger toward the red head increased. Cheryl had approached her, spilled so many of her secrets, accusing her of killing Jason. She could still feel the cold hand of Cheryl Blossom tracing her scars, causing shivers to run down her spine. Letting out a soft frustrated noise, Jude's hands with straight to her hair, yanking slightly. Jughead, who was sitting behind her, was the only one to notice. The classroom was now loud with commotion about Cheryl and the chatting was quick annoying. Jughead wanted to reach out to the small girl who looked so distressed, but wanted to keep his distance. He didn't get much out of his father, basically the same thing Cheryl said. He said a lot of the information is secret for a reason and he must keep his deal with Hudson and stay quiet. Jughead didn't miss the look on his father's face as he spoke of Hudson, as if they had been close. But Jughead brushed it off as them being in the same gang.

"Don't worry about Cheryl, she is on a literal witch hunt and it attacking everyone. Even Betty's sister who is in a home of some sort receiving treatment." Jude glanced up at Jughead, removing her hands from her hair.
"Yeah, it just baffles me as to how someone can be so mean."
"You're just as baffled as the rest of us." Jughead joked, trying the lighten her mood. Jude cracked a small smile, making 2 small dimples come into view causing Jughead to smile a little more. He had to admit, she was very pretty.

The next day, all the teens were gathered in the Recreational Room, though Jude was alone as it seemed everyone but Archie was giving her the cold shoulder. She did pay attention though, noticing how Archie had confessed to hearing a gunshot in the woods when on a escapade with a teacher, making him a suspect. Veronica had a date tonight with Chuck Clayton, which Jude knew nothing about Chuck. Betty was thinking of writing for the Blue and Gold, which made Jude smile thinking about how Betty had really wanted to do that previously.

"Hey Betty, Jude is really good at English, maybe she could join?" Archie suggested, causing Betty to look at Jude unsure.
"I suppose that would be fine." Betty looked like she didn't want to agree, and Jude didn't miss that. Jude, knowing that if maybe she could get her alone, she could figure out why everyone was being so distant.
"Oh, that sounds great." She replied as she and Betty left for the Blue and Gold office.

"If print journalism is dead, what am I doing here?" Jughead's voice said as he stood in a very retro looking classroom with Betty, but stop when he saw Jude in the corner, "What is she doing here, Betty?"
"Archie suggeste--." Betty started but Jude started speaking.
"Ah, just want I needed. Look, I only joined to figure out why everyone is giving me the cold shoulder here. I mean, I thought you all wanted to be my friend and now the only person that speaks to me is Archie. So I came to confirm, is it what you heard the other morning? About my family?"
"Partly." Betty said shyly, "Jughead said your name means trouble." Jude looked at Jughead, who nodded, confirming what was being said.
"Well, I am here to say that I am not here to be my father or my mother. Max and I left where we grew up because of my father and I'd like to move past that with you guys at least." Jughead scrunched his eyebrows together.
"We will, if we get to question you." Jughead said.
"Only if I find it an appropriate question." Jughead and Jude shook hands, as Betty watched.

"Who is your father?"
"Hudson Edison. My mother is Carly Edison. I have an older brother named Perseus, a sister named Ophelia, I had a twin brother, Archer, who was nearly identical to me."
"He died 3 years ago in a supposed car accident. My mother fled the scene and never returned."
"Where is your sister?"
"Prison. She was convicted of murder."
"And your father?
"Drunk and alone in some hellhole home."
"What are the scars on your face from?"
"I'll have to pass on that question."
"Why is your dad hated here? What havoc did he reap on this small town?"
"My father was in the Serpents but did some not so good things on the side. A lot of bad things." Jude seemed uncomfortable, so Jughead stopped.
"I'm stopping for now, but I have more questions eventually." Jude nodded.
"You know Betty, Archie wasn't lying when he said I'm good at English." Jude said, tossing a wide smile to the young girl.

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