Chapter Two: The Start

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Today I'm redecorating my room and I'm starting to think I'm just making a mess now. I'm going for this artsy look because it's depressing in here. My room is very small so it's not much to do with it. I might look in the garage for some old stuff I can use to create something new.

Alicia: *busts in room* What the hell are you doing in here?

Y/N: I'm trying to redo my room. I'm going for a new look.

Alicia: You're not going to finish and your wasting your time.

Y/N: Thanks for encouraging me Alicia. You're the greatest.

Alicia: Ugh why do have to be such a smart ass?

Y/N: Why do you always try to find fault in me or my decisions?

Alicia: I don't. You just take it that way with your emotional ass.

Y/N: I'm entitled to feel anyway I want to just as much as you are.

Mom: What's going on?

Y/N: Nothing worth talking about I'm through. *Walks out room*

Alicia always crushes my dreams and I never express anything to my mom about it because she always takes her side. When it comes up to things I want to do no one supports me and they make me feel like I'm wrong. I'm going to go sit on the front porch and write for awhile. I need to clear my mind of all this unnecessary stress. When I walk outside I see Todd and August talking and sitting on the porch. When I write I like to be alone so I walk past them and head to the garage.

August: *stands up* So you just not gonna say hey?

Y/N: *turns around* Hi August *continue walking to garage.

August: Aye what's wrong with her?

Todd: idk she probably...(gco)

Alicia: *walks on porch* Have yall seen Y/N?

Todd: Yea she just walked past us and went to the garage. Why?

Alicia: Because she just spazzed out on me

Todd: What did you do?

Alicia: Nothing she's just an emotional wreck like she really needs to get her shit together.

Alicia is loud af and doesn't know how to whisper at all. I'm standing at the garage door hearing every lie coming out her mouth.She makes little situations the end of the world. She constantly plays the victim to make herself feel better and it's pathetic. I get tired of hearing all the bullshit so I sit down, open my composition book and start to write down my feelings in a poetic manner. I'm zoned out and worry free and I'm not unhappy that I'm a loner.

Alicia: *opens the door* Dont think I'm apologizing to you because I'm not. I just want to see what your doing in here.

I keep my mouth shut because the way I feel right now I know I am seriously capable of hurting her feelings. My face told it all because she left out. I finished writing and now I'm relieved. Now I'm trying to find some things that can go in my room.

*On the porch*

Alicia: *Stomps angrily in the house and slams the door*

August: Do they always argue and act like this?

Todd: You haven't even seen the half of it.

August: Damn.

Todd: Yeah they crazy. I have to go through a lot of shit to get them to make up.

August: Aye man I gotta tell you something tho.

Todd: *looks confused* What?

August: I kinda like your sister

Todd: Oh. Why you seem like you were scared to tell me.

August: *laughing* Cause you a protective ass brother.

Todd: Well I'm sorry to tell you she got a man.

August: Forreal?

Todd: Yeah he overseas in the Military.

August: Damn I should've known Y/N had a man.

Todd: Oh wait you like Y/N? I thought you was talking about Alicia.

August: I mean Alicia cool but Y/N is pretty, she's smart, and she just seems interesting to me.

Todd: So my nigga Marcus was right about you

August: Yea but don't tell him that tho. You know how he can get cocky and let shit go to his head. But real talk you think she'll feel me back?

Todd: Idk man cause shes weird. Like she takes that notebook or sketch book everywhere she goes and she rarely talks.

August: That makes it fun because I can figure out something new about her every day.

Todd: Aye if really like my sister go for it just don't try no funny shit and break her heart.

August: You know I wouldn't pull no shit like that.

Todd: Yeah cause I'll beat ya ass

August: *laughing* Fuck outta here nigga

*in the garage*

I found a huge piece of poster board that I can glue all my loose drawings to and hang up. I'm going to try to do a project piece for my room every day. Since this is all I can find right now and it's getting dark I'm taking this in the house. Todd and August are still sitting on the porch. I feel better now so I'm not going to try not to be rude.

Todd: What is that?

Y/N: Poster board for my room

August: You was in that garage for a long time to just come out with that.

Y/N: *laughing* I wasn't just in there looking for this I was... Damn I left my notebook

Todd: *looks at August and clears throat*

August: Oh uh i'll go get it while you put that in the house

Y/N: *hands him garage keys* Thank you so much

August: No problem.

August is a life saver because I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing my notebook is in there. When I get in the house Alicia is sitting on the couch eyeing me like she's still mad but she'll get over it. My room is is a total disaster. I sit the piece of poster board on my bed and as soon as I turn around August is standing right there. He kinda scared me.

August: My bad for scaring you but here's your book.

Y/N: Thanks.

August: Your a really good writer by the way.

Y/N: You read my book?

August: If I wasn't supposed to, I'm sorry.

Y/N: No it's cool. I mean it's about time someone really tried to find out what I write in here before they judge.

August: Well that brings me to say this. I want us to get to know each other a little better.

Y/N: Like?

August: Become friends or something

Y/N: Oh ok that's fine

August: We gone hang out almost everyday and learn something new about each other.Deal?

Y/N: alright deal.

August: I gotta get up outta here but I'll see you tomorrow.

Y/N: Ok bye August

I never seen August act so serious. I wonder why he wants to be friends with me because I do nothing, I'm lame. I finished gluing my drawings to the poster board. Can't wait till it dries so it can go on my wall. Hopefully my room will look a lot neater tomorrow. Everything thats on my bed gets swiped down to the floor. Time to go to sleep.

Why does he like me?; an August Alsina & Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now