chapter 1

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So Mr Benjamin Paul Bruce, just sign on the dotted line and everything is done. The layer told me all smugly, why does this cunt have to call me by my full name why can't he just call me ben like everyone else. I pick up the pen sign and dated where he told me to do so, I put the pen down look up to Ciara who was sitting opposite me, "so this is it then" I say. "yeah I guess so" which hurt in her voice, she finally looked me in the eyes and I can see how hurt she was, man I really fucked up this time. A wave of guilt washed over me as we was walking out of the private court room, "Ciara" I grab her by her arm to stop her " listen I just want to say I'm really fucking sorry for what I did, I was just really drunk it she was there and it just..." I begun to explain but she cut me off but putting her finger on my lips to shut me up. " listen ben, to be honest I don't want to hear it anymore" she huffed but carried on " you cheated on me with some groupie, what's done it done just remember ill always love you ben bruce" she said as she jumped in her car and drove off, leaving me standing there by myself like a fucking loner.

I begun walking to my car then out of the I hear "oh my god its ben from asking Alexandria" I spin round to see a teenage girl wearing asking merch, black ripped jeans, dr Martins boots and long black her with a face full of make up, " hey how are you" I say she finally reached me. " oh my god I can't believe its actually you" she said beginning to cry. " ben you have changed my life so much with your music, can I have a hug?" she asked through her tears. " of course you can" I laugh as I hug her. After I hug her we take a selfie and has she's holding up her phone I notice a few scars on her arm, " hey what happened here?" I ask she just looked down and I see a tear roll down her face, I put my index finger underneath her chin so I can look her in her green eyes, I move some hair out of her face " hey its fine if you don't want to talk about it" I say softly. " I just have had a few tough years" I tells me I get an idea in my head " hang on" I say to her opening my car door and start reaching for a pen I have in my car, I take the pen and reach for her arm, I look at her for permission she gives me a slight nod to tell me its okay, I take her arm and turn it so the forearm is facing me, I wrote " how stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away, or just a gentle reminder that now are better days" over the scars, she looked smiled " we'll be home soon so dry your eyes you'll be Okay" she sung "I love a prophecy" she said. smiled at her, " we have just announced a tour ,are you coming to any shows?" I asked her to change the subject. " yeah a couple actually" she smiled " aww nice maybe ill see you then, I have to go I am going to be late to the studio and I can't deal with another Danny bitch fit" I say to her, she just laughs hugs me again " thank you ben" she says " oh I didn't catch you name" I say " Sasha" she smiles and with that she walks off.

I jump in my light blue Audi R8 and start the engine, as I begin to drive my phone rings, " hello" I answer " dude where the fuck are you, you was supposed to be at the studio an hour ago." Danny starts bitching " I had to go to finalise the divorce did I" I explained " oh shit how did it go" Danny asked " yeah I guess it went alright" I say sighing " I did tell James to tell everyone ill be late, did he not tell anyone?" I say Danny sighs " ben you know what that pricks memory's like, he got a memory like a fucking goldfish" Danny laughs " haha true remember that time he walked on stage and forgot his drum sticks and I had to bring them on for him" I laugh Danny laughs " yeah, alright bro just get here as quickly as you can, we need to set off for tour." Danny said " alright i'll be there in about thirty minutes or so." I said and with that we say bye and I continue to drive.

about thirty five minute later I arrive at the studio, as I pull in the car park I can see the massive tour bus, its black with blacked out windows with a huge Asking Alexandria logo on it. I jump out the car and sam and James cheer. " look who deiced to show up" sam said " about fucking time" James said " I fucking told you I'll be later and you forgot to tell everyone you fucking belled"I say shaking my head we all laugh and walk into our studio. Cameron was playing the acoustic guitar and Danny was singing one of our new songs vultures, " replacing me already" I say making them stop, Danny jumps out the chair and hugs me Cameron places the guitar down and hugs me as well " dude what took you so fucking long" Cameron asked " I just had to deal with some personal shit" I explained. " now who fucking ready to sing some music and get fucked up whist doing it" Danny shouts we all laugh and cheer, we walk out of the studio I walk to my car to get my suitcases out of my boot, I walk into the bus and its even bigger on the inside, there are like eight different bunks a huge living area with two black leather sofas a forty inch tv resting on a cabinet and some other little cabinets , a small kitchen and dining area and a huge back lounge with a leather black sofa also with the view of the back window. I walk into the back lounge to get a decent look " this would be good her doggying girls over the sofa as we watch the other fans from the window." James winks and laughs then walks about out, " what the fuck Jamies" I half shout and half laugh. I walk back into the front living area and all off a sudden a strange man walks on the bus, " holla sirs, I will be your driver for this tour my name is Pepe and its loving to meet you all" Pepe says in a think Spanish accent. well all exchange greetings and introduce ourselves, " alright amigos, are you ready to start this tour?" Pepe asked us we cheer and pepe walks over to the driving area and starts the engine. i sit down on one of the sofas and Danny sits next to me, " how are you really finally ben" Danny asked with a lot of concern on his face, " honestly dan, I feel like shit the love of my life just left me because I'm a fuck up, to be honest I was want to start this tour have a fucking good time, play some music and forget everything that as happened" I tell him, Danny just nods get up off the sofa " let get this fucking party started" Danny shouts plugging his phone to a speaker he brung to play some music, Cameron passes me a beer and with that the party truly started.

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