Part 1- Aria

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A vase rocked in the small room as I crouched low. My breath fighting to stay silent as I strained to see through the lightless area and pinpoint the intruder. My legs ached from the desperate sprint up the stairs and hurt even more from crouching for so long.

"Aria Raymond. Come out..."

The deep voice of the strange man echoed in an eerie way. Bouncing around in my skull as my brain struggled to pin point the voice in my memory bank.


I have no recollection of this person, and even more clueless as to who he even is.

I adjusted my position. Mapping my small apartment out in my head. I was directly below my bed side table, it held my alarm clock, an old photo and an empty vase. Blocking one of my three ways out was my single person bed. The black and grey comforter rather invisible in the shadows. Directing forwards and to my left was the door. Still unlocked but closed completely. Going out the left direction will take me along the wall, around my desk and to the door. The small bathroom was on the other side of the bed.

Feet shuffled into the bathroom and began ruffling about. It's either take a chance with speed or patience with stealth. Being me I knew it would be hard to turn a door nob under the current pressure, so stealth it is.

Creeping to my left I set each foot down testingly and kept my eyes trained on the bathroom as my hand probbed in front of me for barriers or the other wall and desk.


In the shadows I could make out the doors frame. The bronze handle glinting softly in the dull bathroom light. I reached out and my fingers brushed the cold metal. I wrapped them around it and twisted slowly. When the click was heard I swung it open and bolted.

Not bothering with the stairs I grabbed the railing and swung myself over. My legs coming beneath me as I dropped and rolled on the group. Gravel sticking to my skin as I jumped up and ran without checking if the guy was following. I knew this neighborhood like I know myself. Trust me, I've had a lot of time to get to know myself.

Feet sounded behind, meaning the blasted fellow was giving chase. I don't know why he wanted to capture me, or why he was so persistent. But the fucker better give up before I get my blade out of my shoe, or the little hand gun I have stored in the up coming alley. My legs burned as I grabbed the drain pipe on the brick wall and swung myself around. My shoulder hitting the wall.

That'll leave a bruise...

Mid stride my hand bolted into the box on the floor. My fingers wrapping around the cold grip as I tucked it on my belt and jumped. My feet finding leverage as I scaled the diamond wire fence. Balancing up top and jumping the good 4ft gap between my current place and the building to my right.

I crouched on the rim and clicked the safety off the gun. An old but effective Desert Eagle. I waited as the guy rounded the corner. Stopping as he looked around, I pulled a small device from my pocket.

It looked similar to a phone, but much smaller and attacked to a choker. I wrapped it on my neck and flicked the small switch when it was placed over my vocal box. Being a mute was troublesome, but this box supplied by my distant uncle made something's easier and I used it only if I needed it.

It worked by ready my brain signals. The signals my brain sent to my vocal cords to create would be interrupted by this little box and projected. It won't sound like some Seri off of apple, it would be fluid like a humans, and I had custom made the voice so it sounded like my voice would now, but just deeper and with that Italian accent clipped into it.

"Enough, stop or the fun goes off."

The guy froze and his head snapped to me. Taking in my relaxed posture. I might be a jumble of shit crazy nerves inside, but with one leg propped up to have my arm holding the gun rested on it's knee and another just hanging over the building edge. Pair that with my perfected poker face, I'm not letting someone kidnap me before I get in a few good shots.

"Put the gun down Aria. Your gonna shoot yourself, guns art toys for little girls."

My eyes narrowed and my brows furrowed together. That is a hell no comment. I tilted the gun and fired. A hole appeared on the side of his shoe, not breaking the skin but exposing it.

"Call me little girl and order me around again, you won't be having 'fun' in the room for the rest of your life."

He growled and stepped back. Muttered some bullshit about not being informed about this. Ain't no one know about this, not friends, not that I have any, or even secret shady spies who track me. I'm not that stupid...

I've had this feeling of being watched for the past three weeks. On a primal level instinct I changed routes when I felt my hair rise, his certain things when my neck burned from being watched.

"Just come with me Aria, I don't have time for this bull crap of your surprise."

"Where we going?"

"Oh I don't know. Never Land?"

I contemplated on following this guy to who knows where. I don't exactly have anything going on here. No family, no friends and no real purpose. I slumped my shoulders, threw my hands in the air and flopped backwards onto my back.

"Take me away Peter Pan!"

There was a scoff of shock and the fence near me rattled. A pair of black boots came into view and the owner crouched down.

"Ya know, for someone ready to blow a hole in my foot. Your subdued pretty easy."

"I have no reason to stay. So if your gonna kidnap someone, do your research. Anyway, got a bandanna?"

The guy grunted and tossed a bandanna at me. I looked at the fiery res design and huffed before folding it up. I felt him watching me closely, probably thinking I'mma choke him.

Meh, I'll do it later when I got time.

I folded it to the point that as I tied it around my eyes it cast everything in an inky blackness. I'm not sure who this guy was, or why he knew anything of me. Really I didn't care, I just need something more interesting in my life then planks of wood to easy to carry for me.

Let's just say I'm an addict when it comes to adventure and adrenaline. And for no good reason but a promise of the unseen in the dark, I'mma see where my little whim of excitement takes me.

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