Mornings full of confusion

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              " Ugh..." I moan as I wake up, in my bed. My head is throbing from all the pain. Oh, and I'm very hungry, I want to eat very badly, and my eyes feel heavy. No a very good way to start my morning. I pull open the curtains up with one arm, while the other helps me out of the canopy bed. I walk over to the dresser, and turn to pick out some clothing. This is gonna be a lllloooong day. I pick an sundress and head downstairs to get some kind of caninbol breakfast pepared. It's cliche. I hope.

            I fry some organs in the pan, and get some eggs for myself. I set them down on some plates, and find that Jack is not awake yet, and since I'm not allowed to go in his room at all...I'll just knock.

          I gently knock my fist against the wood, and hear a faint...sentence come out from behind the door.

" Just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready, Jack." I said, and I heard a groan, but a ok afterward. " Hurry up so it dosen't get cold." I mention before leaving, and begin setting the plates down on the table, and get a glass of water for me, and some black coffee for Jack, and begin to eat.  He at first fumbles with it, and then takes a caustious bite of it, and then wolfs it down. He shows a small smle of satisfaction. Then he looks up at me...

" What is this?"

" Fried organ and eggs," I say, trying to compose myself towards how sacastcaly funny that sounds.

" Your joking." He smirks, crossing his arms, and laying back on the chair.

" Nope. I am not joking at all." I say, and then take the dishes to wash them in the sink.


" Slendy's coming today..."

" Seriously, why today, I have a headache from to much alchol last night." I say, as he eyes me.

" He's still coming. In the afternoon." He says in a stern voice. I sigh, and continue to read the book to myself, my fingers brushing to the dots. Feeling every inch of them to make words. The dots were little symbols. With a bigger meaning. I sigh, as I continue the plot of Emme. She's not doing so well in her life, and I can relate. Honestly, books are an escape into another dimension the author creates.


I am resting my head on something, it's stern, and strong, but it's also soft. It's a nice thing to lay on. Then, I feel an gentle shake, causing me to flinch but just barely open my eyes. 

" Auurgh..." I groan, as a gentle tone talks some wake up calls to me.

" Come on, Elena, Elena, Elena, wake up. " it's a male's voice. I open my eyes wider, then look around. Where am I? Oh yeah...the living room. What time is it? I peer at the clock above the couch. 12:30. Great. I slept through most of the morning.  I look to see what I'm leaning on. I assumed it was the edge area of the couch...but only to find out the fact that I was using Jack's shoulder, causing me to jump, then flinch, then look at the ground.

" Why did I do that." I mutter burying my face in my hands. For all I know, he could have a girlfriend, omg this is so, super uncomfortable! He lifts my upper body back up again.

" Stop being so upset, it's nothing, just an accident, get over it, sheesh" He says, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

" Women are so annoying." He says.

" And yet you were given life by one. So, I expect you respect us, since chances are, your gonna have a child with one."

" Nah, I got over love a long time ago."

" Alright Mr. Heart is made of stone...we'll see."  I state, and then he raises an eyebrow, and smirks.

" I guess you could say that." He shrugs and we go back to watching the channel.

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