04 | josh klinghoffer

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Walking into her house, Maeve's nose was filled with the sweet aroma of chocolate chip cookies

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Walking into her house, Maeve's nose was filled with the sweet aroma of chocolate chip cookies. The only person that was home that she knew of was her best friend, who was like her brother, Flea. He is always at her house.

He's making cookies? She asked herself.

Maeve was tremendously tired. School was really stressful, as usual. She doesn't do well with stress, either. Anybody that knows her, knows that.

She made her way into the kitchen and saw her best friend. He was standing there with his best friend, and Maeve's heart began to beat just a bit quicker.

Josh Klinghoffer.

He was a couple years older than her, and already graduated from high school. She hardly ever got to see him. But when she does, she gets this weird feeling in the bottom of her stomach, and her heartbeat will always beat quicker, her legs would grow weak at the sight of his smile and...She simply had a pretty healthy crush on him.

He had his back turned to her. He wore his normal layering. Maeve always adored his style.

She wished she could be like him. The kids at school make fun of her for the way she dresses, the music she listens to, her family, how introverted she is..basically just anything they can think of.

She frowned at the thought and sits down at the kitchen table, not even saying hello to the boys.

Josh turns quickly, his eyes slightly widened.

"Woah! We didn't even hear you come in!" Flea exclaimed.

Maeve bite her lip and forced a small smile, playing with the hem of her sleeve.

Josh turned around too, and his eyes land right on the young girl. She felt much more shy under his eyes than anything else. He gave her a soft soft of smile.

"We got really bored and decided to make cookies." Josh giggles nervously, "Want some?"

As much as she wanted to say yes deep down, she just couldn't. Her mind wouldn't let her. She just shakes her head. "I-I'm fine."

The kids she goes to school with make fun of her for her looks, to. They call her fat, and ugly. The sad thing is, is that she believed them.. Even though, she really should not.

Josh thinks she is the most beautiful girl he's ever met. He had no idea about the bullies at school.

"How was school?" Flea asked quietly.

"School," She whispers, shrugging her shoulders.

Flea knew something had to of been up. He slowly walked over to her, "Is he still bothering you?" He asked softly, setting his hand on her shoulder.

Maeve knew exactly who he was talking about. David. He's the one who bullies her the most. He starts the rumors, he calls her the most names. She used to not be so depressed. She loved hanging out with Flea and his friends, but now it's the complete opposite.

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