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Lucas's P.O.V

I wiped the sweat off my brow with the back of my hand as I was under a hood of a car. I felt my phone buzzing and I reached into my pocket and answered holding it between my ear and shoulder. "Yeah?" I asked as I answered not bothering to look at the I.D.
"Lucas it's mom calling from work. I need you to go to the school and pick Chenle up, but the teacher will need to talk to you" she said and I groaned and wiped my hand with a rag.
"Mom I'm at work" I said.
"And I can't get out of work, they're making me stay late. Chenle gets out of school in five minutes, please pick him up" she said.
"What about dad?" I asked and brought my head up and held the phone properly.
"You know he works late, please Lucas" she begged.
"I'll text you my boss's answer, love you" I said and hung up. I walked towards where the desk was. "Hey boss?" I asked and he looked up. "Uh I gotta pick up my little brother from school, can I? I'll be right back" I said and he waved me off.
"We're slow today anyways, just be back" he said and continued to read a magazine. I nodded and went to the lockers and cleaned my hands and my face to look a bit decent and I patted my face dry with a few paper towels. I grabbed my keys and exited the garage and saw it was starting to rain. I cursed and went to my car and unlocked it. And from there I headed to the school.

I walked in the glass door and my work boots pounded on the tiled floor. It was after school and I was 20 minutes late meaning the kids were already gone. I felt a bit hot so I unzipped my work overalls and tied the sleeves in the front so it wouldn't fall, I wore a black t-shirt underneath so my upper body was covered. I walked to the office and walked in. "Uh, I'm here for Chenle?" I asked and the lady at the desk looked at me and bit her lip. She's checking me out. I refrained from rolling my eyes and she spoke.
"He's in his classroom, room 13. His teacher is with him" she said and I nodded and walked out not saying anything even after she said 'have a good afternoon.' I walked down the hall a bit aggravated I had to leave work and see what my dumb brother did, granted he's only five but he should still know better. I made it to the door and pulled it open and walked in, my boots making noise and I saw Chenle look up from a coloring sheet and along with a male who was seated next to him. I pushed my hair out of my face and felt it was a bit damp from the rain. The man stood up and so did Chenle, he had a soft smile on his face. He's wearing a brown sweater with a bear face on it and black jeans, and a pair of white shoes. His hair is a soft brown and his eyes a bit lighter than that, his lips pink and his skin light. I looked to see Chenle following him. He made it to me and reached out his hand.
"You must be Lucas, Chenle's older brother, am I right?" He said and I nodded and our hands departed. His hands are soft. "I'm Chenle's teacher Kim Jungwoo, but you may call me Jungwoo" he said with a smile. I nodded and then looked down at Chenle and he gulped. "I'm sorry you had to get pulled out of work-" he started to say.
"Chenle what did you do?" I asked rudely looking down at him, he glared and then grabbed onto his teacher's leg and hid halfway behind him. I saw Jungwoo look down at him and gently pat his head and then he squatted down to match Chenle's level.
"How about you finish your coloring page while I talk to your brother okay?" He asked softly and Chenle looked down but nodded and went back over to the table. He stood back up and looked up at me, I watched him fiddle with his fingers. "I-I'll make it quick because you have work" he said and then grabbed a paper out of his pocket and handed it over. "That's his log today" I unfolded the paper and saw a note written down about the events. "Chenle didn't seem too happy today un-"
"Chenle you bit your teacher?!" I yelled and Chenle jumped shocked at the sudden loud noise. "Are you kidding me?! Chenle-" I started but then I felt soft hands grab my arms.
"L-Lucas, please calm down, how about we talk outside of the classroom alright?" he asked and he guided me out before I could say anything. "We will be right back Lele" he said and I frowned at the nickname. He shut the door and then looked at me. "There is no reason to yell, he was just having a bad day, we all have bad days. You see, unfortunately I think Chenle is having issues getting along with some of the kids. He does have a very best friend though" he smiled fondly probably thinking about them "they were placed in different groups and he begged me to put him with his friend, but if I did that all the kids would want it so I didn't. He got mad and bit me, and boy he has a strong jaw" he laughed awkwardly.
"Where'd he bite you?" I asked and he raised a brow. Maybe he is lying my brother would be too scared to b- I was thinking but then he raised the sleeve and showed a bandage and unwrapped it and there it was, the bite mark. Chenle had bit past the skin and caused his teacher to bleed. Oh he is so dead. Jungwoo quickly wrapped it back up. Before he could say anything I quickly took the doorknob and twisted it open and walked in and Chenle looked up from the coloring page and I glared. He shot up as I went for him and ran across the room. I almost grabbed him and whipped around to see him hide behind Jungwoo who had followed me into the brightly colored classroom. I was surprised to see him glaring at me and a huffed and then heard sniffles. My brother started crying. Oh lord help me. I'm still aggravated and I saw Jungwoo go into worried mode as he bent down and brought Chenle into his embrace. Chenle gripped onto the soft sweater and wailed into it and Jungwoo rubbed his back.
"I-I didn't m-mean to h-h-hurt you!" Chenle yelled. "I-I'm so sorry" he wailed again and Jungwoo picked him up and held him. One arm under his butt and the other rubbing his back. He lightly swayed on his feet.
"I know Chenle, I know. I forgive you" he said. I felt my heart melt watching the scene in front of me and quickly tossed it aside. I walked over and placed a hand on Chenle's back.
"I'm sorry buddy" I said and he looked up at me crying. "I didn't mean to yell" I said and he nodded. "Let's head home, yeah?" I asked.
"Okay" he said quietly and Jungwoo set him down and smiled. Jungwoo walked to the little coat racks and grabbed Chenle's book bag and coat and walked it over. He helped Chenle into his coat saying it was raining and he needed to dress warm and then gave him his bag. Jungwoo got back up and extended a hand.
"It was nice meeting you Lucas" he said and I shook his hand.
"Nice meeting you too" I muttered and Jungwoo grabbed his own coat and put it on and Chenle and I walked out and he gripped my hand.
"I'm sorry" he said and I sighed.
"It's fine" I rushed to my car and helped him into the back seat seeing as the rain started to pick up. I turned on my car and let it warm up. I saw Jungwoo jog over with an umbrella and tap on the window. I rolled it down and looked at him confused. He gave me Chenle's coloring book but he placed his hand on the door so I couldn't roll my window up. His cheeks were dark red.
"Y-you wouldn't happen to be able to jump my car would you?" He asked shyly. I let out a chuckle.
"Not in the rain, I'm sorry. Uh, if it clears tomorrow I can come out and jump it" I said and he nodded and looked around worriedly. I heard a belt buckle unbuckle and Chenle leaned up to the front.
"Do you need a ride Mr. Kim?" He said brightly with a wide smile "can we give him a ride?" He asked and looked at me tugging my arm. Jungwoo looked at him shocked.
"I-I couldn't your brother needs to get back to work and you need to get home, it's almost dinner time right?" He stumbled out and I sighed.
"Get in" I said and Chenle cheered. He opened his mouth but I glared which seemed to shut him up and he got in the passengers seat placing his umbrella and bag by his feet.
"Thank you" he said and I nodded.
"Yay! Mr. Kim is riding with us!" He shouted and Jungwoo leaned over to the back seat and the sweater rode up and I saw some of his pale skin and blushed and looked away.
"You need to buckle up" Jungwoo said with a laugh and helped Chenle and sat back down and buckled. He put his address in the GPS for me and I put my car in drive. I turned up the radio as the bass bumped and rested one arm on the door and the other on the wheel.
"Mind if I drop Chenle off first? Our house is closer than yours" I asked.
"I don't mind" he said and he played with his fingers. I think he is older than me? Maybe a year older. I dropped off Chenle and watched as a maid helped inside and Jungwoo looked starstruck looking at my parents house.
"Surprised?" I asked and he shook his head yes and then blushed.
"S-sorry, I'm not used to seeing a lot of fancy houses" he said.
"It's my parents."
"You don't live with them anymore?" He asked and I nodded.
"Moved out at 18 and studied mechanics, that was two years ago" I said.
"So you're 20?" He asked "you look older" he then gasped and hurried to correct himself "n-not in a bad way! Like maybe a year older than me, I'm sorry" he said blushing madly and I had to laugh.
"No worries, I assume you're my hyung?" I asked and he nodded.
"I'm a year older than you" he said.
"So I'm guessing you went to college for a teachers degree? I don't know how you can handle all of them" I said and sighed "I mean one bit you today" I said as I turned right. He laughed and it made my heart skip a beat.
"They can be trouble makers but it's nice to know I can help raise them, make them good people hopefully. I know they're still young and have a lot to learn though" he smiled fondly and I glanced at him. Damn that smile. The rain got heavier and I had to put my windshield wipers on the highest settings and I heard Jungwoo whisper an 'oh no.' My phone went off and I grabbed it and answered.
"Hello?" I asked and I heard my boss on the other line.
"Don't bother coming back, I clocked you out. The rest of the gang is leaving, the rain is too bad, hope you get home safe" he said and I tightened my grip on the wheel.
"I will, thanks sir" I said and hung up and groaned.
"Is something the matter?" He asked and I shook my head no.
"I don't have to go back to work now because of the rain."
"Oh, I'm sorry I kept you from it" he apologized.
"Stop apologizing" I said and he nodded. I eventually made it to an apartment building. It started to lightening and thunder out. He bit his lip as he unbuckled. He then turned to me.
"I-I don't think you can get home in this rain Lucas, I'd hate for you to get in a reck after dropping me off and I'm very-"
"Are you inviting me to stay?" I asked and he nodded and I sighed and put my car in park. I thought about it, the rain is pretty bad and there is no way I'll get home without getting lost in the rain or getting in an accident. "Alright" I said and he smiled and got out with his bag and umbrella. He ran over to me once I got out and locked my car and he held the umbrella for us as we rushed inside. I followed him to the elevator. He was shivering a bit and pressed the up button.
"Should you call your parents?" He asked and I nodded. We got in and I called my parents and explained everything and they seemed okay with it but told me to be polite. I hung up and we stepped out and Jungwoo checked his phone as he fished out his keys. "I have a roommate, sorry I didn't bring it up earlier but he has pizza so at least we'll have a meal" he said with a small laugh and we made it to a door and he unlocked it. We walked in and I took off my boats and overalls since I have jeans underneath. He set my overalls on a small bench and took off his rain-soaked shoes and coat. We walked further in and I heard heavy breathing, I looked towards the couch to see a pair of boys making out and I looked to see Jungwoo's face go tomato red. "T-Ten I told you I was letting someone stay with us!" He yelled and the shorter separated from the taller.
"Whoops" was all he said. The pair got up and walked over and I gasped.
"Johnny hyung?!" I looked at the taller to see it was Johnny.
"Lucas?!" He said and Ten and Jungwoo looked at us like we were crazy.

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