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Lucas's P.O.V

We made it to my apartment and were currently sitting on the couch watching some random movie as we ate ice cream. It was weird how comfortable we got together, I mean it's only been awhile since we met. I noticed I feel happier with him around, it amazed me. Hopefully he feels the same, I mean he did confess didn't he? So here we were, wrapped in my blanket from my bed sitting on the couch watching some anime movie. I finished my bowl and set it on the coffee table and glanced at Jungwoo to see him sitting crisscross watching the movie contently. He took a bite of ice cream and set the spoon back in the bowl and I noticed he was done. He set his bowl down. He met my gaze and I instantly felt my heart rate spike. The hell is wrong with me? I quickly looked away and back at the movie and coughed clearing my throat. "Wouldn't it be weird?" I asked. He made a confused noise.
"What would be weird?" He asked.
"Being a fish child with a wizard father or some shit? Like just hopping on the surface turning into a human because-" I started to ramble and he laughed.
"You're cute Lucas" he smiled and I felt my cheeks heat up "it's a movie" he continued. I rolled my eyes.
"Doesn't make it any less weird" I pouted. He laughed and we ended up laughing together. "Hey did you want to stay the night?" I asked him nervously knowing he probably didn't want to go back to his apartment. He nodded.
"If that's alright" he said. I nodded and grabbed the bowls.
"Did you want to shower?" I asked.
"Do I smell bad? I took a shower already today" he said. I leaned down and shook my head no. He smelt like honey.
"I'll just get you some pajamas" I said and took the bowls to the sink and placed them down.
"Thank you" he said from the couch and I nodded. I went to my room and changed into my own pajamas which happened to be just pajama pants since it gets hot in my apartment. I grabbed a graphic t-shirt and pajama pants for Jungwoo. I held them on my arm and walked out of my room and saw him smiling at the tv.
"You like this show?" I asked and he blushed.
"It's cute" he pouted and I laughed and handed him the pajamas. He looked up at me and yelped and covered his eyes. I started laughing realizing he thought I was naked. "You shocked me" he groaned and grabbed the clothing and I pointed to the bathroom. He got up and headed to the bathroom and shut the door. I smiled and I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I stood there washing the dishes and I heard the bathroom door open and looked over to see him in my shirt and pants and felt my heart swell. Fuck that's cute. He raised a brow and then had a smug look on his face as he put his hands on his hips. I rolled my eyes.
"You just keep surprising me every time I see you" I laughed and he make a sound of amusement. He sat on my counter as I washed the dishes.
"Want help?" He asked and I shook my head no.
"You know, I always thought you'd be like cute when you're angry since you're literally the softest person I've met" I said and dried my hands and turned off the faucet.
"I think Ten has an affect on me" he sighed. I walked over to him and saw him blush again.
"Like what you see?" I asked and he glared playfully. Me being me, I had to flirt a little right? I placed my hands on the counter on each side of him and leaned in between his thighs. His face went red and then he flicked my head.
"Take me on a date first before you seduce me" he laughed.
"Who said I'm seducing you?" I smirked and he groaned covering his blushing face.
"You're literally between my thighs and your shirtless asking if I like what I s-see" he said uncovering his face. I laughed.
"So do you like what you see?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.
"And if I said yes?" He asked.
"It'll boost my ego" I said.
"Then no, I do not like what I see" he said with a soft laugh.
"Liar" I said and he pushed me away and got off the counter with a yawn. "And about the date part, I'm already taking you on one soon" I said.
"Stop making me blush oh my god" he groaned and walked to the living room and curled up in my blanket. I joined him and saw the movie was over. I pulled up Netflix once I sat by him and grabbed some of the blanket to wrap up even though it was hot in my apartment, at least to me. Now shoulder to shoulder I was surfing through the movies. "I just realized, you know a lot about me but I only know a bit about you" he said and I raised a brow.
"We had dinner together and I told you stuff" I said.
"Tell me stories, adventures you've had or like what you are like when you're completely wasted! Like you saw me puke my guts out and cry" he said the last part softly. I thought about it.
"Okay, I guess" I said. He smiled brightly.
"Hold on, let me get comfy" he said and suddenly his head was in my lap and he was looking up at me with the blanket up to his torso as he folded his hands on his chest.
"W-what" I said confused.
"If you get to pin me to the counter I can lay on you right?" He asked teasingly and I rolled my eyes.
"You're still soft even like this" I laughed.
"Story time~" he cooed.
"Literally a child" I continued and he pouted.
"Tell me an interesting adventure" he said with bright eyes. I laughed and put on a random movie as background noise.
"Okay okay fine" I laughed. "Hm, well one time when I was 16 I went hiking and had sex outside with my girlfriend at the time. In the middle of it it started to rain and we had to run back to our tents with the others barley clothed" I said and he laughed.
"That must've been embarrassing" he said and I nodded.
"Hell yeah. My friends made fun of me for weeks" I said and smiled.
"You have to have more than that" he said.
"I went camping with my family and stole my parents beer and drank it and woke up the next morning naked in the middle of the cabin and I was grounded for 4 weeks" I said and he hit my chest.
"What's with you and the woods? It's like your cursed whenever you go camping" he said and I nodded.
"After that I stopped going camping" I said and he smiled.
"We should go camping" he said and I stuck my tongue out.
"No way" I said and he faked a pout.
"I snuck into the movie theatre with friends when I was 13 and saw my first rated R movie which happened to have sexual themes and one of my friends freaked out so bad by it he got a boner and we had to leave" I said and started to comb my fingers through his soft hair.
"That must've been embarrassing for him" he said and I nodded.
"I can't think of big interesting stories" I said.
"Hm, when was your first kiss?" He asked.
"I was seven and it happened in the playground" I said and he smiled.
"Wow that's young" he said and I nodded.
"And you?" I asked and he looked away.
"Promise not to laugh?" He asked and I chuckled.
"Promise" I said.
"17 and it was my best friend" he said and I had to cover my mouth. He groaned and slapped my chest again.
"Sorry sorry, I know I promised" I said "is it one of your friends now?" I asked.
"It was Doyoung" he said and I threw my head back laughing.
"Stop laughing oh my god" he covered his face.
"How the hell did you end up kissing him?" I asked and he uncovered his face to glare.
"We were drunk at a party and someone told us to so we did" he shrugged.
"When did you know you were gay? Was it when you kissed Doyoung?" I asked playfully.
"Nope, it was when I saw my first adult magazine in middle school" he said and laughed.
"The famous soft kindergarten teacher Kim Jungwoo saw an adult magazine, used to get drunk, and did some other crazy things" I announced and he flicked my chin.
"When did you know you were bi?" He asked.
"When I stopped caring who I had sex with" I said with a smirk.
"Lucas Wong, a mechanic who had his first kiss when he was seven, has been naked in the woods probably more than two times, seen his first adult film after he sneaked into a movie theatre when he was 13 and possibly got a boner, and had sex with both genders" he announced and I flicked his head.
"I did not get a boner" I said and he laughed
"Sure buddy" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"I still can't believe you kissed Doyoung" I said.
"Shut up or I'll tell everyone about you had sex in the woods" he threatened.
"No! I'm serious, like was he good?" I asked.
"Are you interested in him?" He asked jokingly.
"Yeah right, he has Jaehyun" I laughed.
"He wasn't too bad, I mean I wasn't good since it was my first kiss" he said.
"Are you good now?" I asked with a smirk.
"Wanna see?" He asked and I was taken aback.
"W-what?" I asked and he laughed loudly and I blushed. "God you just love messing around" I pouted.
"Mhm, it's not often I get to joke around" he yawned.
"Seriously? You don't make fun of anyone else but me?" I asked.
"If I mess with Ten he gets moody, if I mess with Johnny he laughs it off, if I mess with Doyoung he gives me this scary look but then laughs wickedly and makes fun of me, and I obliviously can't mess with the kids" he said and I nodded.
"You look tired" I said after listening to him.
"The kids were excited today and even more bratty since it was Friday. I love them but they tend to try to push my buttons" he sighed "and Ten and Johnny added onto my tiredness, but having dinner with you was nice along with our conversations of amazing adventures" he smiled brightly. I laughed at that.
"You can sleep in my room and I can sleep on the couch" I said and he shook his head and sat up.
"It's okay, you should sleep in your room" he said. I smirked.
"Want to sleep with me?" I asked and he blushed and shoved me.
"Shut up, now I'm making you sleep on the couch" he rolled his eyes and I got up and led him to my room. I plopped down on my bed spreading myself like a starfish.
"Sorry but you already said you'd sleep on the couch" I said. Suddenly I felt something land on top of me. "Oof, gosh you're heavy" I said.
"Did you just call me fat?" He asked and I laughed. "Now you're most definitely sleeping on the couch" he said.
"Nah I'm comfortable" I said and cuddled into my pillow jokingly.
"Mhm and I'm comfortable too" he said. I laughed and he got up sitting on the small of my back and I heard him yawn.
"Keep talking it's helping me sleep" he joked.
"Is my voice that relaxing?" I asked.
"No, it's boring" he laughed and I lifted myself and he fell and darted out of the room and I chased after him with a pillow. I didn't see him
"Jungwoo you're literally a kid oh my god" I laughed. I looked all around but didn't see him. I puffed my cheeks confused and looked around and suddenly stumbled forward when he jumped onto my back. I dropped the pillow and held the back of his knees on instinct.
"Gotcha" he smiled and I rolled my eyes and carried him to my room.
"Time for bed you child" I said.
"Thank you for cheering me up" he whispered and buried his face in my neck. I sat down on my bed to put him down.
We had finally agreed on just sleeping on the same bed. So we were there, the light off, my fan on. He suddenly turned on his side and looked at me. "Are you tired?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Kinda" I said "you look tired though" I said and he laughed.
"I'm kinda hyper now like it's not often I get to have fun ya know?" He said and laid on his back resting his hands on his torso.
"Really?" I asked.
"Mhm, not even at my apartment" he laughed "the most I do is eat ice cream and watch dramas when I don't have to grade or do laundry" he continued. I laid on my stomach and looked at him.
"Wanna go out tomorrow?" I asked.
"Like where?" He asked turning his head to face me.
"Hmm anywhere I guess, I mean anywhere in our price range" I laughed.
"Let's go camping, we can have a camping date" he smiled. I groaned.
"You know I have bad luck with camping" I glared playfully.
"Exactly why we should go" he smiled brightly. I rolled my eyes and nodded agreeing.
"Fine, we'll go on a camping date" I smiled "now go to bed" I said and poked his chest.
"Okay okay, goodnight."

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