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Lucas's P.O.V

It had been two weeks since I've seen Jungwoo, it felt kind of weird because I was so used to seeing him. I was currently lifting the hood of a car and Johnny walked over. "Dude help me" he said and I frowned.
"I have my own work to do, do it yourself" I said and propped the hood up with the bar.
"No, no, not with that. Ten and I's anniversary is coming up and I have no fucking clue what to do" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"And what makes you think I know?" I asked and he sighed.
"Jungwoo won't help me and he usually does" he pouted.
"Why won't he?" I frowned, that's very unlike Jungwoo.
"I pissed him off, it's scary because he doesn't yell or anything. He just becomes passive-aggressive and doesn't really speak to you."
"Well good for him" I said as I placed a cap on my head backwards to keep my hair out of my face.
"Luc-" he started.
"And what did you do to piss off one of the most kindest people I've met? He's a fucking kindergarten teacher who wears sweaters. He seems too forgiving also" I said with a shrug.
"Well you see..." he bit his lip nervously—a habit of his. "Ten and I... had sex on his bed" he said scratching the back of his neck.
"You fucked on your boyfriend's friend's bed?" Suddenly Jaehyun walked over, his overalls stained with oil.
"Don't remind me" he sighed.
"Johnny get back to work!" Our boss yelled and Johnny waved and turned his heel.
"Woah that's a nice car" Jaehyun said and I looked to see a white Honda NSX pull up and park. The car turned off and a guy stepped out of the drivers seat. His hair pitch black, eyes fierce, and a professional vibe. The closer I looked I realized it was Doyoung, the bartender. The driver is hot..." Jaehyun said and I elbowed him. Someone came out of the passenger side and I saw the soft brown locks of Jungwoo's hair and he joined Doyoung. They started to walk over.
"Hi Lucas!" Jungwoo exclaimed and smiled. I raised a hand up waving and Jaehyun just stared. They made it to us and Doyoung looked around with his cat-like eyes. Damn how does he get a car like that just working as a bartender? He must do more.
"We meet again" I said to him and Doyoung nodded.
"We do, I w-" he started but Jaehyun put out a hand.
"The name is Jaehyun, but you can call me babe" he winked. Doyoung seemed repulsed and looked down at Jaehyun's hand.
"Nice to meet you Jaehyun," he said simply without shaking Jaehyun's hand. I was about to comment on how rude Doyoung was being until I saw Jaehyun's hand was dirty with grease.
"How can we help you?" I asked and looked at Jungwoo and Doyoung.
"I need an oil change, Jungwoo suggested here since it is the closest" Doyoung said. I saw Jaehyun retreat his hand reluctantly.
"I can do it" Jaehyun said and smiled with his dimples.
"Thank you, how much?" Doyoung asked as he took his wallet out of his pocket.
"A kiss" Jaehyun said with a greasy wink and Jungwoo's eyes widened and Doyoung seemed indifferent. Doyoung walked forward and grabbed Jaehyun's jaw and came close. I watched at the scene with wide eyes. What kind of k-drama is this? Jaehyun's ears went red.
"Keep dreaming" Doyoung smirked at Jaehyun's shocked expression and I laughed. He took a step back and checked the time. "Jungwoo we should probably head out, if Mr. Flirt can't do it we can find another one" he said and looked at Jungwoo with a soft gaze. I almost felt jealous.
"Nah we can do it" I said. He nodded and I pointed to the front desk for him to make his appointment and pay for everything. Jungwoo smiled and walked over and looked under the hood with me.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked.
"Changing a car battery" I said and he formed an 'o' with his mouth. I decided to make conversation as I put on a pair of gloves. "Has Chenle been good in class?" I asked and he nodded.
"He's been getting better at getting along. His grades are good but still needs help with a bit of Korean" he said and I nodded. I took the wrench and started to loosen the nut on the negative terminal.
"I'll help him with that" I said.
"That would be nice. Jisung has been trying to help but he's just a kid" he laughed. I nodded. He simply watched as I continued to remove the old battery.
"Oh Jungwoo, what are you doing here?" Johnny said walking over. I saw Jungwoo's usually soft smile turn into a neutral expression. He simply nodded which caused Johnny to frown. "How about we go put with Ten tonight? To your favorite coffee shop!" He said trying to make conversation with the shorter male. I watched in amusement. Jungwoo didn't look at Johnny.
"Coffee at night?" Jungwoo criticized with a flat tone. Johnny gulped.
"Ready Jungwoo?" Doyoung asked walking back over. "Oh, hi Johnny" he said locking eyes with the taller male.
"Doyoung? What are you doing here?"
"He needs an oil change and a case of Vitamin Me" Jaehyun smirked and blew a kiss towards Doyoung. Doyoung ignored it and turned to Jungwoo.
"I called a cab to pick us up" he said and Jungwoo nodded.
"Okay, thank you" he smiled. I saw Jaehyun lean on the side of the car and try to talk to Doyoung while they waited for a cab. I grabbed the new battery and started to put it in. I was starting to space out but then I felt warm breath next to my ear.
"That's the wrong tool" Jungwoo whispered in my ear and I looked down at the tool and indeed it was. He handed me the correct tool and took the one I was using and set it aside.
"You know about cars?" I asked and he nodded.
"Dad taught me when I was young and then a friend of mine races" he shrugged.
"Like drag race?" I asked and he nodded.
"Something like that" he scratched the back of his neck with an awkward laugh. I looked at him and saw his face was a bit red. He's hiding something.
Suddenly Johnny rested his head on Jungwoo's shoulder forcing himself between us.
"Jungwooo please forgive me" Johnny groaned dragging out the 'woo.' Jungwoo said nothing. I finished putting the battery in and stepped back and Jungwoo followed causing Johnny to get off him. I took the prop away and shut the hood. I took off my gloves and seat them aside.
"Johnny give up" Doyoung said.
"But-" Johnny started.
"You are extremely bad at listening" Doyoung scolded.
"Ten has told me" Johnny rolled his eyes. A honk was heard and I saw a cab pull up.
"Let's go Jungwoo" Doyoung said and started walking away. I felt someone rest their hand on my arm.
"See you later Lucas" Jungwoo smiled brightly and I felt my heart skip a beat and I gave a nod. He left with Doyoung and they entered the cab together. I got curious about the friend Jungwoo said used to race.
"Hey Johnny" I called.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Do you have a friend who races?" I asked and studied him. He frowned.
"Why?" He asked.
"Jungwoo said he learned about cars from them" I shrugged and Johnny nodded.
"Yeah" and with that he walked away. Weird.

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