26 | You Can't Escape Any Longer

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Jungkook POV.




I'm tired of swiping up and down these Instagram pictures! I already went over everything a million times and time doesn't pass...

I've been living like a refugee in here for a week. 

I would like to congratulate myself for being a quite traceless soldier in my mission of hiding from Jiminie hyung. He can't find me here. I have perfectly avoided him all week and accomplished blurring my existence in the darkness of the darkest darkness of the dark. You get it.

Our rooftop hideout. 

Heh. He probably forgot about here.

Well, I didn't. 

This place is special for me... We prepared here together, I thought my heart would burst from the excitement I felt as we decorated it and sort of 'furnished' it with our random pillows and blankets.  This is like a little house of ours... Like a magical spot out of everyone else's eyes.

I giggle.

And then sigh.

I know I haven't been reasonable in running away from him... He didn't even do anything and he must be confused too but I am scared! I just don't want to look lame in front of him... Because I like him too much... I feel embarrassed of being speechless and tomato-red whenever he smiles and tells me something sweet and I can't return the words... I want to be good to him as much as he is to me... Because I like him way too much...


My heart stops as the knob turns and before I can even understand what's going on, Jimin hyung stands in the crack of the rooftop room door.

The yellowish Christmas lights hung on the ceiling reflect on his big orbs, fixated on me: who is spread all over the blanket, one foot on the ground, the other leaned 80 degree on the wall, a bag of chips laying next to my head, phone in between my hands shadowing my face.


I jump up in panic and freeze in place as he enters the little room. 

- What are you doing here? -He asks me with a blank expression, causing me to gulp the loudest I have ever.

Mental Note: Jimin hyung might be the doppelgänger for Detective Gadget. He can find anyone anywhere.

- Ch-chilling. 

He rolls his eyes and closes the door shut from inside, locks it and throws the key on the wall across, to which I'm mind-blooown.

It's the first time I'm seeing him this serious. He... is he mad?

- Were you running away from me? -He asks me as he removes his shoes, steps on the blanket and then ties his arms while skeptically looking at me.

I vigorously shake my head, shamelessly pretending to be the good bunny he wanted me to be...

- Liar. 

- N-not... -I mumble, pouting as I tug on the bunny ear of the front pocket of my onesie. 

Jiminie hyung doesn't say anything, rather keeping his poker face and walking towards me slowly, creeping out my demons as I take steps back.

My back touches the wall and I know it's game over when his body is inches away from mine...

I'm trapped.

- You're trapped.

Yeah... I k-kinda knew hyung...

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