XXIX: Dark

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I watched her leave the room without saying anything. I knew she was gonna come back because there had been previous nights where she'd just try to sleep alone, but she couldn't take it.

I'm not angry with her or anything. I've just been thinking. My girlfriend wouldn't like it if she knew the first thing about Gennie. So I want to distance myself. What if she catches feelings or something? I won't break her heart like the rest of the world has.

It turns out, I waited all night, getting no sleep until the sun came up, waiting for her to come back. But she didn't, and it made me sad, but even more worried.

I finally drifted off to sleep when I saw the light peek through my blinds.

When I woke up, I knew it was just me and her in the house alone. But I knew it would be awkward if I decided to talk to her.

After doing my hygiene, I went and grabbed some cereal and listened to some music back in my room.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was absolutely wrong with her other than me ignoring her. I wanted to talk to her so bad, but I had to fight my feelings. So I called Ayleks and told her to come over.

When I heard the doorbell ring, I went to get it. I opened the door and she smiled beautifully.

"Hey baby." I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"Hi Ski!" She hugged me tight.

"You want some cereal?"


I nodded and lead her to my room. She sat on the bed, watching me remove my shirt to get on the bed next to her.

I laid where Gennie would normally lay and she laid sideways on my chest with her legs hanging off the bed.

"So what do you wanna doooo?" She said adorably.

"I just wanna chill, that's it."

"Ski," she chuckled. "I know you wanna fuck me. It's okay, just say that."

"Excuse me?" I said, confused.

"I didn't invite you here to have sex. I just wanted to spend time with you. You're my girlfriend, I love you, remember?"

"You stole me from your homeboy, how could you possibly love me?" She nudged me while laughing.

"What are you laughing for, Ayleks? I'm serious. I never stole you. That doesn't even matter."

She rolled her eyes.

"Give me a kiss." I smiled.

She grabbed my face and kissed me passionately.

"I love you. Alright?"

"Alright." She said sighing.

We hung out, just talking and laughing for the rest of the day.

It was around 8:30 when she finally left and my aunt and uncle had come home and went to bed.

I decided to check on Gennie. I knocked on the door, but she didn't respond. So I opened it and saw her sitting in the dark corner under the window where the moonlight cascaded in perfectly. She was perfectly hidden from the light.

"Hey." I said calmly.

She did not respond.

I sighed, sitting next to her. "I'm sorry."


"I shouldn't have treated you wrong. I just... I have a girlfriend and I felt like things were getting a little too personal between us and I just... I'm sorry okay?"

I felt her shaking next to me. I felt around for her hand to hold, but it was not available to me.

"You hate me, don't you?" I looked at the side of her face in the reflected light.

She almost responded with a nod but she stopped herself.

"You do?"

"I don't know. You were my only friend. The only one I trusted. I almost loved you. And now how do you think it made me feel when you-" She paused. "Never mind."

"What? Tell me, Gennie. I care."

"It doesn't matter. I won't matter ever, just go away! I'm thinking about leaving."

"Where you finna go, Gennie? Cause I care!" I said, getting a little angry.

"I don't know! They want me in school and I just can't handle that kind of sociability. I don't even trust coming out here."

"If you run away, I won't forgive myself."

"You have a girlfriend. Why do you care?"

"Because I care about you. I don't know how to describe what I feel for you, but it's something new. I never felt this protective over anybody."

Her face softened. We sat in silence for what seemed like hours, but it was just a few minutes. She was thinking.



"Do you love me?"

"I don't know, GiGi. Let's just be what we are right now. I missed you today."

She nodded and held onto my hand.

The dark was comfortable once again with her in it.

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