Chapter 1

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My eyes flickered open as the sun peeked through my windows, shining onto my face. I grumbled to myself lazily and turned away, shutting my eyes tight and scrunched up my face. I didn't want to get up...

My hair was a tangled mess, since I had been tossing and turning in my sleep that night. I stretched reluctantly before sitting up. Deciding to get the day started, I went to the bathroom to take a bath, comb my hair, and other necessities of my morning routine.

Getting dressed; I put on my black crop-top before fitting into a beige flak jacket that went to the same length. I put on a thin pair of black leggings before wrapping a long white cloth around my waist, almost like a skirt, and another one around my neck that rested on my shoulder pads. I strapped a belt over my hips before placing a summoning scroll into the notch at the back.

I fixed my bed before looking myself over in the mirror. I was ready to go.

I left my house of clay and stucco, heading towards the Kazekage's office, the morning sun blaring onto my skin.

I am a sand shinobi of Sunagakure, and quite proud of it. I studied the art of Monzaemon Chikamatsu's creation, the Puppet Master Jutsu. I am about 20 and have been named a jonin for over four years. I guess you could say I have some talent and good work ethic.

I start thinking if I should have eaten breakfast first before heading to my destination, but I ignored myself as I opened the door to enter the Kazekage's office.

"Lord Kazekage, (Y/N) reporting in." I said enthusiastically, clapping my heels together and standing up straight as a board. I continued to speak when the Kazekage, Gaara, acknowledge my presence, "Is there any missions for me today?"

I was expecting something good, since all I've been doing recently was within a fifty meter radius of my house. Maybe I'll actually get a job today. Sunagakure was in a peaceful state right now so there wasn't much to go around, and the few jobs we did get were sent to those more qualified then myself. Gaara looked over his desk for a moment before smiling softly at me.

"None for you today, regretfully. Maybe next time you'll be able to get something." He said, almost reassuringly. I couldn't hide my disappointment as I sighed. I trudged slowly out of the room, my feet dragging slightly as I closed the door behind me.

I could almost see my boredom ahead, as if it was something tangible that I could grab. Maybe I could clean my house? Nah, sounds like a hassle. I could work on creating another puppet-- eh, I'll do that later. I looked out across the village as I began to sigh in self pity.

When I was looking off in the distance my eagle-trained eyes locked on to my friend walking into a restaurant. My stomach growled as I watched her enter, and decided I would join her. I quickly scurried over; as fast as my hungry body would let me.

I entered the building to find her sitting at a booth, reading a book. I skidded over to her, sitting down opposite of her and smiling. She was a pretty woman, wearing a dark blue outfit and a beige jacket like most shinobi. Her long brown hair was tied into a neat ponytail at the back.

"Asito! I didn't know you liked to come here to eat!" I said cheerfully, leaning onto the tabletop. Asito glanced up from her book, her face almost emotionless.

"I'm not buying you food." She stated simply, turning the page of her book as she continued to read about the theory of omens. I rolled my eyes, trying to stop my stomach from growling at my friend as if they were enemies.

"Bah! I can buy my own food, you know..." I mumbled, half to myself. Asito giggled slightly as a smile broke onto her face. She closed her book with one hand before placing it down next to her.

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