Chapter 3

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What happened..? My vision was blurred as I blinked open my eyes. The room was dark and hard to see around. A headache wracked my brain when I shot my head up too quickly. I went to move my arm and found resistance, I had been chained to the wall, a foot above ground, my hands and my feet.

I frantically looked around, my heart rate increasing fast. Puppet bodies were strewn all over the far wall and a large table was placed in the center where someone sat, hidden on the shadows.

"Awake now, are we?"

I flinched at the sudden voice as the man got up from his seat, walking towards me slowly. He had dashing short red hair and dusty brown eyes, wearing the same black robe and red clouds as everyone else. I narrowed my eyes at him and attempted to pull myself away from the wall, to no avail.

He stopped in front of me and looked me over, deep in thought. I shrank away, mostly in fear. I glanced around the room for any weapons to use, noticing I had been searched and stripped of anything dangerous. I attached my chakra strings onto an unfinished puppet blade and yanked it towards him. Unsurprisingly, he caught it in his hand and threw it to the side.

"Now, now, calm down. I won't be hurting you..." He paused to inspect my torso with a hand. "Not yet at least..." I went to kick him but only ended up with searing pain in my ankle.

"You bastard! Just kill me already!" I snarled, trying yet again to break free. He was unfazed and continued to touch me.

"Such a bad mouth." He sighed, forcing my bottom jaw open with two fingers. He looked inside, almost like he was looking for something. I bit down on his fingers only to have pain snake up into my teeth and gums. This annoyed him and he backed up a bit, looking me over once again. My chest heaved with rage, every intake of breath making me grow even more furious.

Without a word he returned back to his table and sat down, continuing his work from before. I stared, shocked, at his current project. Naga's corpse was being cut and dissected, the blood pooling onto the ground in one big puddle as it seeped through the grain in the wood.

"Don't touch him! Leave Naga alone!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes as I struggled against the iron bounding me to the wall.

"Shut up, woman..." He warned, continuing to slice open Naga's arm with ease. It didn't matter to me if he killed me now, anything was better than this.

"I said leave him alone!" I shouted in rage, attaching chakra strings to his arm and shoving it away, leaving a small uneven and unwanted cut on his perfect canvas. The man slammed his hands down on the table before swiftly walking over to me again.

"You witch!" He growled, slamming his hand into my throat. Air was choked out of my lungs and I struggled to breathe. Unexpectedly he removed my restraints, but before I had a chance to react, he threw me to the ground with a loud smack, leaving me winded. He got on top of me, still holding my throat. My hands went up to push him away, snatching at his arm and shoulder fiercely. With his free hand he raised a scalpel, getting ready to stab me with it.

"Die!" He mumbled, his eyes wild. His fingers tightened as my vision faded and my lungs burned. I almost didn't hear the door open as someone stepped in.

"Sasori, we need to go--" the voice of Deidara cut himself off as he noticed what was happening. "Sasori, my man. You're damaging your material, un..." He said with a smile, leaning against the door frame.

So he was Sasori, the same guy from before. He must've been using some kind of puppet as an outer shell, how cunning. The redhead released his grip on my throat and I gulped for air. My arms fell to my side weakly as my struggle ended.

Twisted {Sasori x Reader x Deidara}Where stories live. Discover now