Saving earth

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Tony wakes up back on earth in new York

I-oh god i ache

Tony takes off his helmet and rubs face

He looks over and sees Peter still unconscious

I-hey kid

Tony gently shakes peter and peter slowly sits up and coughs

P-what happened did we lose

I-not yet this isn't over yet

Tony stands up

I-get cap and come with me we need to get to stark tower

They walk to stark tower and tony starts working on some things

I-ive made us all some minor upgrades

Tony walks over to a cabinet and pulls out two cases then gives one to peter

I-open it up

Peter opens it up and its the iron spider suit

P-wow thanks mr stark

I-ah it's nothing i made those just in case there was ever an emergency such as this, put it on

They both put they're new suits on and Steve wakes up

C-what did i miss

I-nothing much old timer just made me and the kid a new suit and that's about it plan on joining us

C-yeah lets go

Back in space where the avengers ship was

The gaurdians of the galaxy are going through space and they see the wreckage

(S=star lord, g=gamora, gr=groot, r=rocket, D=drax)

R-so why are we doing this again

S-because we got a distress signal from here and if we help them we might get a little chedda cheese

G-which isn't the point

S-which isnt the point but I mean it wouldn't hurt

G-alright were about to a arrive

S-alright gaurdians put your mean faces on this could be dangerous

They hear video game sounds in the back

S-groot put that thing away I dont want to see you on it again

Gr-I am groot



S-you got some acorns on you kid

R-ever since you became a sap you've been a total d hole, keep it up and IM GONNA SMASH THAT THING TO PIECES

They arrive at the wreckage

S-woah what happened here

All of a sudden Thor smack into their ship

They all scream

They get thor onto the ship and lay him on a bed

S-who is this guy

G-I don't know but how is he still alive

Thor jerks and wakes up

T-who the he'll are you guys

R-were the fricking gaurdians of the galaxy

T-I don't understand but whatever

S-who are you

T-thor, son of oden and god of thunder

S-well thor son of oden god of thunder how did you get out here

T-a man by the name of thanos

Gamora gasps

T-do you know him

G-he's my father

T-your father is a phsyco murderer

G-yes I know

T-now i need to go to Nidavellir to get a new hammer and then to earth to get the avengers so ill be taking your pod

Thor walks over to a pod and activates it

Starlord clears his throat and speaks in a deeper voice than usual

S-you will not be taking our pod today sir

R-wait quill are you making your voice deeper

S-no this is my normal voice

G-yeah he defiantly is

Thor walks up face to face with starlord

T-are you mocking me

S-are you mocking me

T-I dont have time for this

Thor points at rocket and groot

T-you two come with me

R-YES, groot come on

Thor groot and rocket get in the pod and set coarse for Nidavellir

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