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Logan is battling outriders and is getting surrounded quickly


All of a sudden theres a huge blast that hits the ground and when it clears thor groot and rocket are standing there

C-he always seems to come in at the last minute

Thor throws storm breaker chopping through a bunch of outriders then runs toward a few of thanos servants entering the battle


Thor smashes storm breaker into the ground knocking aside a bunch of outriders

Bucky barnes is shooting outriders and sees rocket who is also shooting outriders so he picks rocket up and spins around

R-how much for the gun

Bu-not for sale

R-ok how much for the arm

Bucky walks away

R-oh ill get that arm

Steve rogers is fighting and sees groot stab his arm through a group of outsiders


C-I am Steve rogers

Back inside the building where shuri is one of thanos servants comes in and shuri starts shooting him but he keeps blocking it then it knocks her aside and vision throws him out the window and vision goes out the window to

C-guys someome get vision

Steve looks up and sees one of tony's suits flying over

C-when did tony get here

Vision and thanos servant lands and it sticks a staff into visions forehead and tries to take out the stone when a blast hits it and it flies off and smacks into a tree

Steve arrives

C-tony is that you?

The mask on the iron man suit flips up and its pepper potts tony's girlfriend

(Pp=pepper Potts )

Pp-figured you could use some help

C-you were right

Pp=wheres tony?

C-I don't know

They are surrounded by outriders

C-were gonna have to fight our way out of this


The iron man suit helmet flips back down and steve and pepper fight the outriders

All of a sudden thanos appears and steve tries to attack him but thanos just swipes the infinity gauntlet and he gets thrown sideways

Pepper puts up her hands to aim her hand pulsors

Th-I thought you were on titan

Thanos punches pepper with a lot of force and pepper flies backwards into a rock and the iron man armor breaks off all except the helmet

Thanos walks towards vision and out of nowhere Logan jumps off of a rock with claws drawn and stabs thanos

Thanos screams out in pain but then grabs Logan and holds him up then smashes him into the ground then does it again

While thanos is distracted by Logan pepper puts her armor back on and points her hand pulsors at visions forehead


Thanos looks up

Pp-ill blow this precious stone sky high

Thanos laughs and walks toward pepper and she blasts vision and the mind stone is destroyed

Thanos uses the time stone and turns time back and grabs the stone out of visions forehead and puts it in the infinity gauntlet

Thanos sees storm breaker coming right for him so he tries to use the infinity stones to stop it but it hits thanos in the chest

Thor falls to the ground and pushes stormbreaker further into thanos chest and Thanos groans in pain

Th-you shouldve gone for the head

Thanos snaps his fingers


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