The Battle of wakanda

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C=Steve rogers
Bl=black panther
B=David banner
Bu=Bucky barnes
They are in a room talking to shuri asking if she can take the stone out of visions head without killing him

Sh-yes but ill need time

C-how much time do you need

Sh-all the time you can give me

Bucky Barnes walks in

C-hey Bucky hows it going

Bu-great considering I might not make it through this fight

C-thats good

They see a bunch of ships landing

Bl-evacuate the city get the army together also get my suit and bring it to me

A wakandian nods and goes and does what black panther said

They head out to the battle field and get ready to fight


The ships unleash outriders

C-what the hell are those things

Bu-no earthly idea

L-hey banner this would be a good time for your big green friend

B-Welp here we go again

David strains and turns green and rips out of his shirt and rips up his pants

David strains and turns green and rips out of his shirt and rips up his pants

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L-that's better

Hulk runs through the huge army of out riders throwing rhem and stomping them

Then Logan runs through the group as well slashing through all of the out riders

C-I wish tony and peter were here but we'll do the best we can

Back on titan

I-ok thanos will be getting here any minute get into your positions

S-yeah what he said

I-do you really have to do that

S-yes yes I do

Doctor strange sits out in the open and the rest hide

Thanos arrives

Th-so you have it


St-let me guess your home?

Th-it was, and it was beautiful

Thanos closes his fist and the planet looks beautiful and inhabited

Th-once I proposed my idea to them that if we kill half of the population that the resources would last longer but they said no and they doubled the resources and I don't need to tell you what happened to the planet they destroyed themselves

St-so in doing all of this you are saving the universe which is genocide

Th-yes the strongest decisions call for the strongest will

St-I think you'll find our will much stronger


Tony drops a big piece of metal on thanos

Everything on the planet goes back to the way it was

Thanos blasts it apart and peter swings near them and webs both of thanos hands behind his back

Thanos yells out in pain then yanks his arms toward and when peter comes flying towards him he punches him to the ground doctor strange puts his cape on thanos infinity gauntlet

Then doctor strange makes small platforms and starlord jumps across them and shoots thanos as he runs across them

Right before Star lord jumps into doctor strange portal he flips thanos off


Starlord falls back into the portal

And comes out infront of thanos and points his blaster at him

S-now I'm gonna ask you once asshole where is gamora

Thanos grunts and keeps trying to get doctor stranges cape off of the infinity gauntlet


Thanos looks at Star lord


Th-she was a price I had to pay for the stone

S-you son of a bitch

Starlord shoots thanos in the chest


Thanos rips the cape off of the infinity gauntlet and knocks starlord to the side

Doctor strange shoots a bunch of ropes and disabled both of thanos arms

Thanos eventually gets out of it and shoots a blast from the infinity gauntlet at doctor strange but he blocks it

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Thanos eventually gets out of it and shoots a blast from the infinity gauntlet at doctor strange but he blocks it

Tony flies toward thanos and knocks him backwards by hitting him with a huge pole the tony shoots him a few times with his hand pulsors then shoots a few rockets thanos

Tony lands

Thanos wipes his face and there's a drop of blood on his finger

Th-all that for a drop of blood stark

I-you know who i am?

Th-yes you're not the only one cursed with knowledge

I-my only curse is you

Tony makes a blade out of the nano bots and tries to stab thanos but thanos breaks it off and stabs tony

Th-when I'm done half of humanity will exist I hope they remember you

St-THANOS let him live and ill give you the stone

Thanos looks at doctor strange

Doctor strange opens up his necklace and takes out the time stone

Thanos takes the sword out of Tony and heals him then takes the stone

I-no strange what are you doing

St-its time

Thanos puts the time stone in and dissapears

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