An Enticing Offer

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"Capture the flag?" Leo mumbled through a mouth full of food in disbelief. "Chiron, there's only a few kids from each cabin here at this time of year."

"Why does that matter?" The centaur questioned. "It's still everyone's favourite activity, it's a beautiful evening and Y/N deserves a proper welcome."

"Oh, she got her proper welcome already. We lit a tree on fire and Percy dropped the ocean on us." He complained, pushing away his plate of food suddenly having lost his appetite. Leo had already settled in for the fall like an animal prepping for hibernation, not wanting to have to run for his life in a game of capture the flag.

Chiron's eyes widened. "Pardon?"

"Forget about it, lets do this!"

With that, Chiron ordered everyone to head to the woods, organize teams as they always did and distribute armour. Y/N was totally lost and confused, being told rules here and there, reminded to not actually kill anyone or get killed, where the flag might be hidden, should she get that far.

Leo stood from afar with his team, smiling lightly as he stared at the confused girl fumbling with her armour. She looked awkward and uncomfortable, but Leo had to give it to her, she was doing pretty good considering it was just this morning she was run down by a chimera, kidnapped and brought to a camp with centaurs and fire blowing kids.

The horn sounded the beginning of another game, sending campers off in every direction in a hurried flurry. Leo, however, wasn't in such a rush. He wandered contently through the woods waiting for his target to make their appearance. Being new and unsure, of course Y/N would be off on her own trying to sneak the flag.

It only took a couple of minutes for her to make her first appearance. She stumbled into a clearing in the woods and scanned the area, her figure visibly softening when she realized no one was there. Leo didn't let that peace last long for Y/N as he soon sent a couple of pinecones careening towards the girl, dinging her armour. Before she could turn around to catch him, he ducked beneath a large log and hoped she didn't start coming his way.

Unfortunately, she did just that. He could hear her footsteps, surprisingly quiet, shuffling towards him. Ever so carefully, he peeked his head up from behind the log and was met with Y/N's sword, shakily being held right at the tip of his nose.

"Oh thank god I thought you were a giant squirrel or something." She huffed, lowering her sword in relief and closing her eyes.

Leo saw his opportunity and took it. He lunged from behind the log and straight into the girl, throwing her into the ground. He had her pinned, but knew he couldn't keep her down for long. She was strong. "By the way, we say 'gods' not 'god' cause y'know, it's plural."

"Ok, well—" Y/N struggled against Leo's grasp and began to squirm her way out from under him. "A few hours ago, I didn't know greek gods were a real thing!"

With one blow to his chest and another to his leg, Y/N managed to back away and get to her feet, her sword yet again pointed at Leo. "Ha!"

"Don't get cocky, you only fought off the scrawniest kid in camp," He rolled his eyes and prepped himself for for another go. Quickly, he lunged forwards a little just to spook Y/N, making her jump back. He did it again, and again until he finally broke into a full on sprint, chasing the girl off into the woods.

Leo didn't realize how awful of a plan that was until it was too late. Campers knew the borders of the capture the flag games, but Y/N didn't. Because of that, she just kept running in a straight line into the woods of camp half-blood with no sense of direction or distance. Eventually, she slowed down as the woods became darker and came to a stop. She looked back to Leo with worry and a slight look of guilt plastered on her face. "So, ah, where are we?"

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