The Smelly Scheme

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Both Y/N and Leo had passed out on the bed just minutes after their conversation. It wasn't like either of them to have such an easy time falling asleep, but maybe letting that much off your chest was a sedative in itself.

Leo woke up far too early, four o'clock at the latest. Out the window of the Argo, there were signs of the world beginning to wake up, the sky slowly erasing away the stars with a dim light. But, the ship itself and everyone inside were still asleep. Y/N too was completely passed out, sleeping peacefully like there wasn't a worry in the world. After a few heavy breaths, Leo climbed back into the bed where he'd spent the night and fell back asleep for just a few more hours.

The second time he woke up, it wasn't nearly as tranquil as the first time. Annabeth was dragging people out of their rooms like a drill sergeant, making them eat breakfast and then pack their supplies. Y/N was jolted awake by Leo thumping onto the ground and then crying out in agony. She raised her arms in surrender when Annabeth threatened to also throw her off of the bed, and to her luck, the blonde backed off and moved on to Jasons room.

Sluggishly, the roommates made their way around the ship eating scraps of food and picking up supplies, all the while muttering random things through full mouths to each other.

When the ship finally laded, Annabeth called everyone up on deck. "Okay, first things first, we need to split up into groups."

"Ooh!" Leo jumped up excitedly. "Me and Y/N!"

"No," The blondes face fell in an unimpressed manner. "Hazel and Piper, Frank and Leo, Y/N and Jason...and Percy and I will go together."

"Really?" Leo complained, throwing his arms in the air. "Of course you and Percy get to go together. How about I pick the groups? I bet you won't be so happy with them." He huffed. "No offence Frank."

The tall, broad boy just shrugged. He didn't care and was just tired. He wanted to go back to camp and sleep.

"Leo, it's one mission. Relax." Piper asked her friend, for just this once, to chill out a little bit. She knew he could hardly spend a minute away from Y/N, but quests were serious. He of anyone should know that.

"Ok," Percy sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Is everybody good? Can we get moving?"

"I think so," Hazel seemed to look around at everyone to ensure they looked alive and well, everything they needed either in their hands or in backpacks slung over their shoulders. "Let's go scout!"

Walking off of the Argo and through some heavily forested land on their way to the scout spot Annabeth had picked, Leo stumbled alongside Frank. He was having a difficult time focusing on both where he was walking and Y/N and Jason who were happily treading along beside one another. They laughed and talked the entire way. All Leo wished was that he was in that conversation. That he was the one laughing and shoving her shoulder.

Now stationed in the place Annabeth had told them to be, Leo and Frank hunkered behind a large boulder where they could see the entire crater down below them. This island was small, but it had a massive indentation in the centre with barren, dry cracked rock. In the odd place here and there, sprouts of grass fought to make a home, only to be trampled on by giant monsters every so often. Inside the crater, Chiron had definitely been right about there being an army forming. For who? It was still impossible to tell, but it was probably some secondary wave from the war against Gaea.

To Leo's right, Hazel and Piper hid out behind a massive pile of old logs. Up ahead and to his left, Percy and Annabeth crouched behind a tall, sharp stone, both mulling over a map. Straight forward, a couple of small ridges ahead, Y/N and Jason kept their cover behind another large boulder. The two talked and kept passing a telescope between one another.

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