The Death Of Me [FINAL!]

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 Leo wished he had even a single second to just sit there with Y/N. She, now more than ever, meant a lot to him. Y/N made him feel useful and wanted, not totally incompetent and nothing but problematic. For once in his life, he genuinely felt a sort of contentment in his heart. He was actually smiling because he was happy, not as some defence against all of the eyes staring at him. He felt like he had a reason to stay at camp half-blood and a life to live.

But, of course, the world would never let Leo have his moment of peace and quiet to tell Y/N about how much he appreciated her. The moment the sight of long island sound came into vision, Percy was ordering everyone around and frantically trying to recall Annabeth's plans for holding off these monsters. Being rifled through the air at at least twice the ships normal speed, everyone had difficulty keeping their footing on the top deck.

Y/N was one of the first people given orders and she was off to one of the ships railings, a wide stance being the only thing keeping her upright. At her side was Frank, shooting a vast array of as many arrows possible down on the fleet of monsters. They were now just breeching the shore of the beach, and though everyone was doing a good job holding them off, it would never be enough. Not even Percy was strong enough to will the water into pushing them back beneath the surface.

"Percy, this isn't working!" Piper screamed out over the howling of wind all around. She was holding Jason steady as he formed a storm and shot lightning down on the monsters relentlessly.

"Just keep forcing them back! They'll either give in or it'll buy Annabeth enough time to figure out a better plan!" He stressed, but there was obvious doubt and worry in his voice.

"Piper's right," Leo's voice suddenly filled Y/N's ears, his arm on hers as he helped to keep her steady. "I have a plan."

"Are you sure we should do it?" Y/N questioned warily.

"No time to think about that," Leo blabbered. "C'mon."

Y/N sent a sorry look to Frank, but the guy didn't seem to care all that much. Next thing she knew, she was up on Festus and Leo sent the mechanical dragon diving over the edge of the Argo. Of course, people were yelling after him in distress and frustration, but per usual, Leo blocked them out. His problem was no longer sticking with his quest mates and fighting from up on the Argo. His problem now was protecting camp, his home. Not just to save the unaware campers probably still fast asleep in their cabins, but to save bunker nine, the training grounds and the dining pavilion. To save everything that amounted to his one and only home. The home he wanted to still be there for he and Y/N.

Not just that, but Leo still felt deep down that all of this was his fault. So, he saw it only fit that he expend every last piece of himself in order to prevent this invasion.

"I've got tons of ammo in this bag," Leo tossed a thick canvas bag back at Y/N as if it were nothing, but when it landed in her arms it sure seemed awful heavy. "If we drop them straight down, it should be just enough to take them all out." As he explained, Leo lifted himself up and switched his position on Festus so he now faced Y/N. Between them was the bag.

Leo started off his final stand for camp by lighting up one of the bombs with a small spark which came from his fingers. Then, he counted to five and dropped it straight down. Just as he had hoped, the single bomb turned at least ten monsters to dust. Greek fire had a way of doing more damage than expected.

One by one, Y/N and Leo dropped bombs all along the shoreline. The amount of monsters they were able to get rid of in comparison to the others up on the Argo was something that couldn't even be compared.

Maybe a little too proud and lost in the moment, Leo's focus drifted. With his mind so plastered on decreasing the number of monsters below, he may or may not have forgotten just how powerful these monsters could still be, even from nearly a hundred feet below.

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