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Tori rolls over in her bed with a groan as her alarm goes off. She blindly reaches over to her nightstand, shutting the alarm off. She slowly sits up in bed while opening her eyes. She sighs before getting out of bed and going to her closet. She changes quickly before brushing her hair out and throwing it into a messy high ponytail. She does a simple makeup look before gathering her stuff in her hands.

She walks out of her room with her bag and phone in hand. Almost tripping down the stairs, she checks her phone to see that Aria is on her way. She sits down at the table as her mom places a bowl of cereal in front of her.

"Are Aria and Scarlett on their way?" Her mother questions, sitting across from her.

"Yup but I might die before I get to school with Aria driving," Tori jokes causing her mother to laugh at her words.

"You say that every time she comes to pick you up," Her mother says with a grin.

"I know. She's a terrible driver, I don't know why you trust her with both of your children's lives," Tori responds causing her mother to laugh even harder.

"I'm only trusting her with two out of three of my kids so I always have a backup," Her mother sarcastically responds. Tori rolls her eyes with a smile. A car horn is soon heard so she gets up and puts her bowl in the sink.

"JOEY!! ARIA'S HERE!" She shouts towards the stairs. Her younger brother rounds the corner with a pop tart in his mouth and backpack in his hands. They bids their mother goodbye before running outside and into Aria's car.

"I want to die," Tori groans once she slams the door shut.

"Mood," Aria giggles before making her way towards Joey and Scarlett's school. This was the daily routine, they drop Joey and Scarlett off first before going to their school. They get to the school rather quickly. He hops out without a word before running over to his friends. Scarlett does the same but bids the two goodbye.

Aria quickly makes her way to the girls school in silence. When they get there, Aria struggles to park for a couple of minutes before succeeding. They get out and begin the walk to the front door.

"ARIA!" A voice shouts from behind them. Aria glances back before groaning at the sight of the person. She chooses to ignore the boy, continuing to walk in stride with a giggling Tori. "ARIANA, I DON'T KNOW YOUR MIDDLE NAME, TOZIER!"

"IT'S GRACE!" Tori can't help but yell in response. Aria slaps her shoulder hard before stopping in her tracks. Tori stops with her and they both turn to the rosy cheeked boy behind them.

"Yes Zachary?" Aria raises a brow at the boy who just grins at her.

"I have a question for you," Zach begins, his smile never faltering. Aria purses her lips before nodding, signaling him to talk. "Will you go out with me?"

"Uh," Aria trails off, her brows furrowed. Tori looks between the two before stepping back slightly to give them space. "Is this a joke or are you being serious? Is this your annual first day of school prank?"

"Deadly serious, it's not a prank," Zach responds, nervously. Aria stares at him for a second before looking over to her best friend. Tori grins and nods her head furiously.

"You do realize this is gonna drag your popularity down right?" Aria questions.

"I don't care, I want to go on a date with you," Zach answers with zero hesitation.

"Alright, when?" Aria mumbles, tightening her grip on the books in her arms.

"Wait, really? You said yes?" Zach asks in shock. Aria nods slightly in response. "Oh wow um, Friday? at 5?"

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