Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Delusional

The entire room was moving and delusional. Emlyn could see the door at the end but getting to it would be issue. Every time she took a step the room turned in odd ways and she fell over.

"Emlyn, the only way out if this room is to truly see the way out. It won't be easy, and you may not get it the first time but if your careful you can work to it." He responded and Emlyn suddenly closed her eyes and placed her hands on the wall and began walking.

The room wasn't really moving but it was all part of the illusion. Now knowing this she opened her eyes and started walking. That was until the room really started moving.

It started spinning around and Emlyn fell over as the room began spinning at an impossibly fast speed. Camilla never wanted her to get out of here. But she had to, so she carefully began scooting along the ground at a slow pace.

The hallway seemed like miles away and Emlyn knew it would be a slow process, but she had to get there. Suddenly demon soldiers surrounded them and came closer. Emlyn couldn't believe how much Camilla was going to throw on them at once.

She pulled herself to her feet and pulled out her knife. She might've been crazy for trying to fight demonic creatures in a spinning crazy room, but she wasn't going down without a fight.

She swung her knife at them, and they flew at her angrily, but she kicked it when it got to close. She slashed it violently and she felt like she was going to be sick. All Emlyn wanted was for the room to stop spinning so she could focus better.

Then it did, the room stopped spinning and she sighed in relief, but it was short lived as a demon tackled her to the floor it clawed at her scratching her face. Emlyn fought desperately to get it off, but it seemed to have the upper hand. That was until Stella finally regained her composure and came at it slashing it with her sword and killing it.

"You got to be more careful." Stella said then began slashing more demons and Emlyn jumped up to help. Thunder was tearing them to shreds with his teeth while Emlyn and Stella slashed them with their weapons.

The problem was they kept multiplying and Emlyn had, had enough. Red lights burst from her and Stella, Thunder, and herself appeared on the other end of the hall and the entire thing sealed shut with steel.

"What did you do Emlyn?" Stella asked looking at the steel door keeping the demons inside and Emlyn panted a bit and held her cheek which was burning from where she was scratched.

"I guess I just sort of lost it and wanted to get us out of there." Stella smiled at her friend and walked over placing her hand over the cut on her cheek and healed her.

"Just be careful you're really important to us, we can't lose you, and by we, I mean this entire world." She said and turned to face the next room.

"Stella why exactly am I so important to this world? Is there truly a reason because this is just crazy..." Emlyn asked her, she had waited long enough for this answer and she wanted it now.

"You are here for a very important reason. You see once you defeat Camilla, you're supposed to be the one to rewrite the happy endings she took away."

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