Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Crossing Bridges

Stella left Emlyn there to join the chanting crowd and Horrace walked towards Emlyn with a gentle smile. "I'll explain everything to you later. For now, are you ready to be queen?"

Emlyn couldn't describe it, but there was a rush that told her she was ready. "Yes, I'm ready." She felt a little shiver run through her arms and up her back, but she liked it and she smiled as Horrace took her to the front of the castle.

Everyone bowed as Emlyn stood facing the crowd and Horrace pulled out a crown. It was gold and decorated with red and blue gems that sparkled against the sunlight. He placed it on her head and faced the crowd. "I give you your queen, Emlyn Lovet." With that the crowd rose up in cheers and the feasts began.

Someone random shouted from the crowd, "HI EMILYN HUGE FAN! YOU GET IT GIRL!"

Emlyn looked around and the feelings of self-conscious really set in, "Who was that?" she asked Stella.

"Oh," she rolled her eyes, "that's just Bob don't mind him he's a bit crazy in my opinion." she said with a sigh.

The feasts and cheers and hugs went for hours. Emlyn never had so much attention in her life as people spoke to her as if they knew her, as if they loved her. She would be lying if she didn't admit to herself, she was enjoying it. She had lived in her house of a cave for the longest time, and now that Jacob had dumped her, well there was nothing left.

Emlyn snuck out of the ballroom feeling tired as she saw Horrace sitting on his throne looking quietly off into space. She considered asking him what he was thinking about, but she didn't have to. Horrace turned his dull eyes on her and looked at her for a moment before waving his hand for her to sit in front of him. She crossed the room and sat on the red rug that sat in front of the floor.

"Do you know why you're here, Emlyn?" The old man spoke while staring off into space.

"No, I just started writing and actually happened," Emlyn said thinking she was crazy, and this was all some sort of dream.

"I will tell you a story. It starts with a woman and a man. People in this world aren't human. They are what is called Cabivornias. We each hold within us special powers but that's not important. This man was from here, and he was a writer. He wanted to find his way into the real world, so he wrote his words and used his power to bring his words to life. He created a portal and entered it which took him to America. He meant a woman who was also a writer, you could say they were star-crossed lovers." The old man took a breath and looked at Emlyn to see if she was still listening, in fact she was on the edge of her seat.

"Don't stop now, tell me more." Emlyn was a writer herself, and whatever she was being told was surely important.

He chuckled and continued, "Well they connected and had a child, that child they decided would never know about our world after a dark force became angry with the man. So, they hid away and so did this force, but now is the time for everything to come out of hiding. You aren't safe and there's someone coming for you, she's watching you, and she's going to try and kill you. You, however, can stop this, just remember you're powerful and use your gifts well." Horrace stopped talking and did not say anything else so Emlyn assumed he was done.

"Well hello there." There was a silky eerie voice behind Emlyn, and she turned to face a blonde girl with red eyes. Eyes of fire and anger and evil.

"Who are you?" Emlyn asked remembering everything Horrace just told her, and this girl certainly didn't look like she was friendly.

The girl smiled and lit fires in her hands and lifted them up, letting her anger fuel her. She began to rise into the air and her eyes started bleeding. "Your worst nightmare."

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