Chapter 1

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You rolled around bed trying to find a comfortable position so that you could hopefully fall asleep soon, but it seemed like that was not going to happen thanks to your thoughts, so you opened your eyes and stood up. You figured that maybe a glass of milk will do the trick or at least the journey to the kitchen will make you sleepy.

You stepped into the elevator and patiently waited while your thoughts kept running through your mind. It was just a few days ago that you were brought here to join the Avengers since you had top marks in all your exams during your training of becoming a Shield agent. Tough training and sleepless nights are the reason behind achieving your goal, which you wanted to reach no matter what. You just had to be the best at something to prove to yourself that you have a purpose in life, that you are not just wasting year after year.

Even though they all welcomed you with kindness and you even managed to befriend them, you wondered if it was the right decision to make. To come here and start a new life. A life that for the first time you had control over. You are able to choose your own path and determine what kind of person you are, but what if you choose wrong? What if everything ends up as horrible, as lonely as before?

Being a hero means being part of this big group of people that you can trust and treat like family, but it also means that any next mission may be the last. You just don't know if you can watch the people you care about get killed. No, you're just overthinking again, and you're sure that now, that the team got one more person to count on, there will be more than enough backup for that not to happen. These stupid, negative thoughts will vanish as soon as you start to spend more time with everyone. Your cheerful and optimistic energy is no match to these thoughts and from now on you decided that you are not allowing yourself to think about those things ever again.

The elevator door opening woke you up from your thoughts and you stepped out and walked to the kitchen where you opened the fridge, grabbed the milk and also a cup from one of the shelves. You were just about to take a sip when you heard a thud coming from the other side of the room. Instantly you turned your head to only find a book that was now laying on the floor. But wait there was something else on the table where the book was previously on. If it hadn't moved you would have missed it since it was as white as the pillows placed on the couch behind it. After placing your mug on the counter you started walking toward the mysterious creature to make sure your eyes weren't deceiving you. And they weren't. On the desk sitting there was the cutes white cat that you had ever seen.

You crouched down, holding out your hand as a way of asking for permission to pet it. The cat seemed to understand your intentions since it inspected your hand for a second, before gracefully rubbing its head against it.

"What a pretty kitty you are. Where did you come from? I didn't know the Avengers owned a cat.", you said amused by the thought of him joining them in missions as some kind of mascot dressed in a tiny costume. "Her name is Alpine", suddenly a familiar voice behind you said, scaring the shit out of you. You stood up and turned around to see Bucky leaning on the counter holding your mug and drinking out of it. "Hey that's mine!" you protested walking closer to him. "Well I don't see your name written on it.", he said before taking a sip, while still holding eye contact. You rolled your eyes annoyed, not being in the mood to argue with him so you grabbed yourself a new cup.

"Why are you even up so late anyways?", you asked while filling your mug. "I could ask you the same thing.", he answered, placing his empty mug on the counter. "Couldn't sleep. So I figured maybe some milk might help.", you said and drank the whole thing at once, before anyone else could have time to steal it from you, like a certain person. "Ah I see.", he nodded. "Your turn now, why are you not sleeping?", you asked pointing the now empty mug at him. "Nightmare. And I couldn't fall asleep after it so I thought a short walk won't hurt.", you nodded, thinking about what nightmare he could have had.

You were looking at each other for a while now and you felt like saying something, anything but you just couldn't think of a topic you could start. "Well, I'm heading upstairs now. Hopefully I will fall asleep soon.", you said walking slowly in the direction of the elevator but still facing him. "Next time make sure to not drink my milk.", you jokingly said making him smile a little. "Good night", you said turning around and walking out. "Good night (y/n)."


You were right, the negative thoughts did vanish as soon as you grew closer to everyone, which made you enjoy your life in the tower to the fullest. During the few weeks that passed, you spend every day with Natasha, becoming her best friend. Because you two were the only female members on the team, it was obvious, that you would spend the most time with her doing stuff that both of you enjoyed and gossiping about everyone and everything. But with the rest of the team, you also have bonded pretty well and every mission you've been on ended fairly well leaving the group with only some minor injuries. You've grown so close to them that you, in fact, consider them part of your family now.

With Steve or as you like to call him Cap, you enjoy taking a morning run since he is the first one to be awake and ready to be active very early in the morning. The "Strongest Avenger", better known as Thor gives the best hugs and he matches your golden retriever energy which results in the both of you having the most stupid ideas which usually turn into a disaster, causing your teammates to suffer. When boredom is almost unbearable you most definitely find a cure in spending time with Peter with whom you usually play video games, always making it a competition who is going to win, even when you're not sitting in front of the screen.

Sam is your all-time favorite comedian since he always has a joke for every occasion making even the most serious moments fun, in a good way of course. Bucky is from everyone in the team probably the one you don't speak to the most since he is more of a cold guy preferring not to start a conversation, but you have noticed that he had begun to warm up a little and you actually trained with him a couple of times, which you need to admit were your favorite, since the time always passed so quickly. "The Holy Trinity", as you like to call them, consists of Sam, Steven, and Bucky since the three of them have this special bond and these diverse personalities, that just complement each other and make them get along so well.

Tony is like a dad to you, always looking out for you and making sure you're okay and sometimes he is even scolding you for doing stupid stuff, but you know he only means good by that. And last but not least Bruce, who works closely with Tony, is the number one guy you go to if you don't feel well both mentally and physically since he gives excellent advice and with his methods, your wounds just heal like magic.

And so it came that the first days of you being awkward and shy around them turned into you spending the evenings with them watching movies or playing games together like a big family. Yet there was absolutely nothing that could have prepared you for what was about to happen during the next few days because even in your wildest dreams you didn't think that anyone is ever going to make your heart jump out of your chest like that...

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